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本研究旨在探討國中技藝教育學生媽寶行為覺知及生涯調適力,分析不同背景之技藝教育學生在媽寶行為覺知與生涯調適力上的差異情形,並探究兩者之間的關係。為達成研究目的,首先透過文獻探討相關理論並依此發展問卷,再針對12所桃園市公立國中技藝教育學生進行便利抽樣調查,樣本數共計477位,有效樣本為387,有效問卷回收率為81.13%。量化資料以描述性統計、t考驗與階層迴歸等方法進行資料處理與分析,所獲致結論如下。 一、桃園市國中技藝教育學生的媽寶行為覺知偏低;生涯調適力為中等。 二、國中技藝教育男學生的媽寶行為覺知高於女學生;女學生的生涯關注與生涯好奇高於男學生。 三、家長有陪讀的國中技藝教育學生在處理個人事務時較常出現媽寶行為。 四、雙親家庭的技藝教育學生,生涯自信高於單親、寄親與繼親家庭的技藝教育學生。   根據以上結論,本研究針對父母教養、學校教師與技藝教育學生提出建議,供相關人士參考,並針對研究變項、研究對象及研究方法等方面歸納出建議,以供後續研究參考。
The purposes of this study were to explore the correlation between the perception of mama’s boy behavior and career adaptability for students on Skill Education Program. It also attempted to analyze the difference in the perception of mama’s boy behavior and career adaptability in terms of students’ different backgrounds. A questionnaire was distributed to 477 students on Skill Education Program in 12 junior high schools in Taoyuan City, and 387 of them were collected with a valid rate of 81.13%. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test and hierarchical regression analysis were applied. The conclusions drawn from statistic findings are listed as follows. 1. Students’ perception of mama’s boy behavior is low; students’ career adaptability is medium. 2. Boy students have more mama’s boy behavior than girl students; girl students have more career concern and career curiosity. 3. Students with parents’ duration of accompanying with their study have more mama’s boy behavior whendealing with their individual affairs. 4. Students from two-parent families have more career confidence. Base on the findings, suggestions were provided for parents, school teachers, and students on Skill Education Program. Finally, for those researchers who would be interested in this field, some recommendations in subjects, variables and methods were proposed for reference.



生涯調適力, 技藝教育學生, 媽寶行為覺知, Career adaptability, Students on Skill Education Program, Mama’s boy behavior





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