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摘要 本研究的研究目的為探討不同背景變項之大台北地區成年女性之社會參與情形與自我概念,並了解大台北地區成年女性之社會參與與自我概念間的關係,最後根據研究結果提供學術上與相關單位辦理活動之參考。為達上述研究目的,研究者以參加大台北地區「宗教活動」、「外出休閒娛樂活動」、「個人興趣之社團活動」、「擔任志工或參與公益活動」、「進修學習活動」與「政治性集體活動」六大類型之相關機構團體所辦理活動之成年女性為研究對象,經立意抽樣方式進行問卷施測,共得有效樣本490份,問卷回收後進行統計分析。研究發現大台北地區成年女性之以參加「外出休閒娛樂活動」最為活躍;大台北地區社會參與之成年女性之自我概念在各層面中以「道德倫理自我」分數為最高;同時大台北地區成年女性整體社會參與情形與其整體自我概念有顯著的正相關。表示大台北地區成年女性的社會參與越高則其自我概念也越高,因此建議女性應積極外出從事社會參與活動以提升自我與促進身心發展。 關鍵字: 自我概念、社會參與、大台北地區、成年女性
Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate different background variables about adult women's social participation and self-concept in Taipei area. It will understand the relationship between social participation and self-concept. Finally, it will provide them with relevant academic units for reference based on findings. To achieve the above purpose, researcher surveyed adult women for the study who participate in "religious activities", " outdoor recreation," "personal interest of the group activities", "served as a volunteer or participating in public activities", "training learning activities" and "political collective activities" related organizations and groups that handle major types of activities for the study of adult women. By purposive sampling method applied questionnaire survey, a total of 490 valid samples were obtained. The study found that adult women participate in the “outdoor recreation" is the highest frequency of participation in social activities. Adult women's "ethics of self" get the highest score of self-concept dimensions. At the same time, the participation in society and their self-concept of adult women have significant positive correlation in Taipei area. It indicates that the higher degree of social participation, the higher scores of their self-concept. It is recommended that women should actively participate in social activities to promote self-improvement and physical and mental development. Keywords: self-concept, social participation, Taipei area, adult women



自我概念, 社會參與, 大台北地區, 成年女性, self-concept, social participation, Taipei area, adult women





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