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本研究旨在探討台北縣國小補校新住民學生學習適應及對於國中補校課程學習需求與課程實施需求的情形。本研究之研究目的有四: 一、瞭解臺北縣國小補校新住民學生學習適應情形。 二、探討國小補校新住民學生就讀國中補校的課程學習需求。 三、瞭解臺北縣國小補校新住民學生就讀國中補校的課程實施需求。 四、根據研究結果提供建議,以供教育行政當局、學校未來在推動補校新住民教育的參考。 本研究以「臺北縣國小補校新住民學生學習適應與就讀國中補校學習需求之調查問卷」,對臺北縣國小補校新住民學生,進行3725人比例分層抽樣,共發出660份問卷,回收有效問卷559份,回收有效率為84.70%。所得資料經次數分配、百分比、平均數、單因子變異數分析和卡方考驗、t考驗等進行統計分析,歸納所得結果,獲得以下八點結論: 一、臺北縣國小補校新住民學生學習適應五個層面得分皆高,以身心適應表現最好 二、整體學習適應及其部份層面因來臺年數不同有顯著差異;整體學習適應及其五個層面因就讀年級不同有顯著差異 三、臺北縣國小補校新住民學生對就讀國中補校學習需求六個層面的得分皆高,以「親職教育」需求最強烈 四、就讀國中補校課程學習需求之「語文識字」層面因原生國教育程度不同有顯著差異;「親職教育」、「醫療保健」、「民俗文化」層面因來臺年數不同有顯著差異;「工作技能」、「親職教育」、「醫療保健」、「民俗文化」及「相關法律」層面因就讀年級不同有顯著差異 五、臺北縣國小補校新住民學生就讀國中補校課程實施需求中最希望採用的上課方式為「面對面教學」、上課時間為「週一至週五晚上」、上課地點為「學區國中」 六、臺北縣國小補校新住民學生就讀國中補校課程實施需求中繼續就讀國中補校意向有六成;繼續就讀高中職補校意向有四成 七、臺北縣國小補校新住民學生繼續就讀國中補校因原生國教育程度、原生國籍及子女人數不同有顯著差異 八、臺北縣國小補校新住民學生繼續就讀高中職補校因原生國教育程度及來臺年數不同有顯著差異 根據以上結論,本研究提出以下建議: ㄧ、提供新住民學生繼續學習的機會設立社區學習中心 二、加強對新住民學生提供學習策略的指導以增進學習信心 三、調整國小補校二、三年級課程以增進學習適應 四、在國中補校語文及社會課程中融入新住民因應生活適應上的學習課程內容,尤其親職教育提供;而教師教學應強調語文識字的學習以增加其對生活的適應 五、課程與上課地點的安排應顧及新住民學生之需要 六、製作視聽媒體提供補校新住民學生學習 七、賦予補校辦學空間以利新住民學生繼續就學 八、對未來研究之建議分別就研究對象、研究變項、研究方法上提出未來進一步研究之參考。
Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore learning adjustment of foreign spouses who study at the elementary supplementary school and their learning needs at junior high supplementary schools in Taipei County. The objectives of this research are as follows: 1. Explore the foreign spouse-students’ learning adjustment to the learning environment.2. Explore the foreign spouse-students’ learning needs at junior high supplementary schools. 3725 foreign spouse-students were participated in this study. 660 copies of the questionnaire were handed out and 559 valid ones were obtained, with a return rate of 84.70%. A variety of statistical methods such as t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé post hoc comparison, and Chi-square test were adopted to analyze the data. The major findings were shown following: 1. The learning adjustment of the foreign spouse-students was good. 2. The learning adjustment shows the differences in terms of their different backgrounds. 3.The learning needs of the foreign spouses-students was high in Taipei County. 4. The learning needs shows the differences in terms of their different backgrounds. 5. According the different needs of the foreign spouses, the time of the class should be regulated. Based on the findings, three suggestions are provided in this research: 1. Learning needs of foreign spouses should be taken seriously. 2. Curriculum development and teaching materials selection should combine with the need of foreign spouse. 3.Responding to the need of learning; the development of the diverse learning channel and flexibility are very important.. 4. Establish a community learning center to provide the service for the foreign spouses.



新住民學生, 學習適應, 國小補校, 學習需求, foreign spouse, learning adjustment, Elementary supplement school, learning needs





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