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本研究旨在探討異性戀大學生與其伴侶之「伴侶關係間的依附特質」、「伴侶完美主義」和「愛情關係適應」之相關性、預測力及中介效果,採問卷調查的方式,以便利抽樣邀請大學生伴侶填寫問卷,回收400份、共200對異性戀伴侶之有效問卷。測量工具包括:「愛情依戀量表」、「伴侶完美主義量表」及「關係適應量表」。根據問卷調查所得資料進行統計分析,包含:描述統計、相依樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、階層迴歸和拔靴法。主要研究發現如下: 在相關性方面,男性與女性「逃避依附」和「焦慮依附」分別與「滿意/成長」和「自主/共生」呈負相關,與「衝突/矛盾」呈正相關;惟男性「焦慮依附」與「滿意/成長」無顯著相關。男性與女性「要求伴侶完美」和「被伴侶要求完美」分別與「滿意/成長」和「自主/共生」呈負相關,與「衝突/矛盾」呈正相關。此外,男性與女性「逃避依附」皆與「要求伴侶完美」和「被伴侶要求完美」呈正相關,而「焦慮依附」則皆僅與「被伴侶要求完美」呈正相關。 在對偶相關性方面,男性「逃避依附」和「焦慮依附」分別與女性「滿意/成長」和「自主/共生」呈負相關,與「衝突/矛盾」呈正相關;惟男性「逃避依附」與女性「自主/共生」無顯著相關。另一方面,女性「逃避依附」則僅與男性「滿意/成長」呈負相關,與「衝突/矛盾」和「自主/共生」皆無顯著關係;女性「焦慮依附」與男性「滿意/成長」和「自主/共生」皆呈負相關,與「衝突/矛盾」呈正相關。男性「要求伴侶完美」僅與女性「衝突/矛盾」呈正相關,與「滿意/成長」和「自主/共生」皆無顯著關係;男性「被伴侶要求完美」與女性「滿意/成長」和「自主/共生」皆呈負相關,與「衝突/矛盾」呈正相關。另一方面,女性「要求伴侶完美」和「被伴侶要求完美」則是分別與男性「滿意/成長」和「自主/共生」呈負相關,與「衝突/矛盾」呈正相關。 在男性逃避依附預測力方面,男性「逃避依附」、「要求伴侶完美」和「被伴侶要求完美」對「滿意/成長」和「自主/共生」均具有負向的預測力,對「衝突/矛盾」具有正向的預測力;在男性焦慮依附預測力方面,僅有男性「要求伴侶完美」和「被伴侶要求完美」對「滿意/成長」和「自主/共生」具有負向的預測力;「被伴侶要求完美」對「衝突/矛盾」具有正向的預測力,而男性「焦慮依附」對愛情關係適應均無顯著預測力。在女性逃避依附預測力方面,女性「逃避依附」、「要求伴侶完美」和「被伴侶要求完美」均對「滿意/成長」具有負向的預測力,但僅有「要求伴侶完美」和「被伴侶要求完美」對「自主/共生」具有負向的預測力,而「逃避依附」、「要求伴侶完美」和「被伴侶要求完美」以及男性「被伴侶要求完美」均對「衝突/矛盾」具有正向的預測力;在女性焦慮依附預測力方面,女性「焦慮依附」、「要求伴侶完美」和「被伴侶要求完美」均對「滿意/成長」和「自主/共生」具有負向的預測力,對「衝突/矛盾」具有正向的預測力。 在中介效果方面,男性「要求伴侶完美」在「逃避依附」與「滿意/成長」和「自主/共生」,以及「焦慮依附」與「自主/共生」之間具有中介效果,而男性「被伴侶要求完美」則分別在「逃避依附」和「焦慮依附」與「滿意/成長」、「衝突/矛盾」和「自主/共生」之間具有中介效果。另一方面,女性「要求伴侶完美」皆分別在「逃避依附」和「焦慮依附」與「滿意/成長」、「衝突/矛盾」和「自主/共生」之間具有中介效果,而女性「被伴侶要求完美」亦分別在「逃避依附」和「焦慮依附」與「滿意/成長」、「衝突/矛盾」和「自主/共生」之間具有中介效果。 最後,本研究針對上述結果進行討論,並提出未來研究和諮商實務之建議。
The main purpose of the present study was to explore the association among romantic attachment, dyadic perfectionism, and relationship adjustment of heterosexual college couples. A total of 400 completed self-reported questionnaires (200 pairs of college couples) were collected through convenience sampling. Research scales comprise “Experiences in Close Relationships”, “Dyadic Perfectionism scale”, and “Relationship Adjustment Scale”. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent groups, paired-sample t test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson product-term correlation, hierarchical regression analysis, and bootstrap method. The major findings were as follows: In the aspect of the correlation, the avoidance attachment and anxiety attachment of males and females were respectively negatively related to their satisfaction/growth and autonomy/coexist; and positively related to conflict/paradox; while the anxiety attachment of males was not related to their satisfaction/growth. Partner-oriented perfectionism and partner-prescribed perfectionism of males and females were respectively negatively related to their satisfaction/growth and autonomy/coexist; and positively related to conflict/paradox. Moreover, the avoidance attachment of males and females were positively related to partner-oriented perfectionism and partner-prescribed perfectionism; while the anxiety attachment was only positively related to partner-prescribed perfectionism. In terms of the dyadic correlation, the avoidance attachment and anxiety attachment of males were respectively negatively related to the satisfaction/growth and autonomy/coexist of females; and positively related to the conflict/paradox of females; while the avoidance attachment of males was not related to the autonomy/coexist of females. Moreover, the avoidance attachment of females was only negatively related to the satisfaction/growth of males, and was not related to the conflict/paradox and autonomy/coexist of males; the anxiety attachment of females was negatively related to the satisfaction/growth and autonomy/coexist of males, while being positively related to conflict/paradox of males. Partner-oriented perfectionism of males was only positively related to the conflict/paradox of females, and was not related to the satisfaction/growth and autonomy/coexist of females; partner-prescribed perfectionism of males was negatively related to the satisfaction/growth and autonomy/coexist of females, while being positively related to the conflict/paradox of females. Moreover, partner-oriented perfectionism and partner-prescribed perfectionism of females were respectively negatively related to the satisfaction/growth and autonomy/coexist of males, while being positively related to conflict/paradox of males. In terms of the predictive power of the avoidance attachment of males, their avoidance attachment, partner-oriented perfectionism, and partner-prescribed perfectionism negatively predicted their satisfaction/growth and autonomy/coexist, and positively predicted their conflict/paradox. In terms of the anxiety attachment of males, only partner-oriented perfectionism and partner-prescribed perfectionism negatively predicted their satisfaction/growth and autonomy/coexist, while partner-prescribed perfectionism positively predicted their conflict/paradox. Anxiety attachment had no prediction to any of those. In terms of the predictive power of the avoidance attachment of females, their avoidance attachment, partner-oriented perfectionism, and partner-prescribed perfectionism negatively predicted their satisfaction/growth. However, only their partner-oriented perfectionism and partner-prescribed perfectionism negatively predicted the autonomy/coexist. The avoidance attachment, partner-oriented perfectionism, partner-prescribed perfectionism of females and the partner-prescribed perfectionism of males all positively predicted their conflict/paradox. In respect of the anxiety attachment of females, the anxiety attachment, partner-oriented perfectionism, and partner-prescribed perfectionism all negatively predicted their satisfaction/growth and autonomy/coexist, while positively predicted their conflict/paradox. With regard to the mediating role, partner-oriented perfectionism of males not only had mediation effect between avoidance attachment and satisfaction/growth, autonomy/coexist, but also between anxiety attachment and autonomy/coexist. Partner-prescribed perfectionism of males had mediation effect between avoidance attachment and satisfaction/growth, conflict/paradox, autonomy/coexist, and also between anxiety attachment and the same aspects. On the other hand, partner-oriented perfectionism and partner-prescribed perfectionism of females respectively had mediation effect between avoidance attachment and satisfaction/growth, conflict/paradox, autonomy/ coexist, and also between anxiety attachment and the same aspects. Lastly, implications for counseling and future researches were proposed based on the results.



伴侶完美主義, 成人依附特質, 愛情關係適應, Dyadic perfectionism, Relationship adjustment, Romantic attachment





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