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The purpose of the study was to examine the domain-specific of perfectionism, and to examine the relationship between depression and perfectionism, based on the domain-specific characteristic of perfectionism. This research is divided into a poilt study, and formal study, the pilot study recruited 300 university students and college students, and the date were analyzed by one way-ANOVA and Factor Analysis. According to the findings of pilot study, the study focused on the domains of academic, expression, appearance, time management, sports and health. The formal study recruited 322 university students and college students through Judgmental Sampling. Administered questionnaires included the Almost Perfectionism Scale, and Ko's Depressive Inventory, and the valid data were analyzed by ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and Factor Analysis, and examine the relationship between depression and the indicators of perfectionism, include the perfectionism of the single domain, the calculation of each domains, and the extract factor of domains. The major findings were as follows:(1)Results showed that the perfectionism of the domains of academic, expression, appearance, time management, sports and health were significant in different, but here is a high relation between the perfectionism of the six domains, and the perfectionism of the six domains all a single factor had significant correlation with one factor, supporting the idea of the domain-general of perfectionism.(2)On the high standard dimension, there were significant gender differences on the perfectionism of domains: the male tend to have higher perfectionist in sports and health domains than the female.(3)A significant positive moderate correlation between depression and the indicators of perfectionism including the perfectionism of academic domain, the calculation of each domain, and the extract factor of domains was discovered, and the indicators of perfectionism. However, there was no difference among three of them.(4)The results showed a higher significant positive correlation between depression and perfectionism for the high depression group. Based on the survey and findings, this study also discussed and proposes some relevant suggestions that can be a reference for school counseling and the future researches.



大學生, 完美主義, 領域特定性, 憂鬱, college student, domain-specific, depression, perfectionism





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