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Department od Education, NTNU
Department od Education, NTNU
教育活動和人類意識自省與文化創造活動同其古老。然則,對於這個活動本身作系統化、科學化的反省,並進而試圖建立謹嚴的學術體系,為時不過兩百餘年。康德(Imm. Kant)在一七七六 年到一七八七年間曾四度主講教育學於寇尼斯堡(Königsberg)大學,即主張教育學必須科學化。其「教育學講義」於一八0三年由林克(Fr. Th. Rink)編輯出版,其中即明言之:「教育藝術中的技巧運作必須轉化而為科學,否則不可能成為前後連貫之努力,而前一代辛勤以建之成果,很可能即為另一代所摧毀。」
This study presents a hermeneutical analysis on the scientific character of pedagogy, with a view to promoting the formation of a sound and exact system of educational science. From a historical scrutinazation of the development of scientification of pedagogy it is found that the current empirico — analytical educational science misuses the principle of verification to the effect of advocating a methodological monism and finally dehumanizing educational studies. To rectify this mistake a hermenentical reflection on the educational scientific studies is essential. Originally hermeneutics means nothing but the interpretative techniques in the exegesis of ancient texts or the Scriptures. It was W. Dilthy, who first turned the focus to the study of Verstehen itself. Further through the elaboration of M. Heidegger, H. — G. Gadamer and J. Habermas etc. hermeneutics was elevated from the study of method to the transcendentallogical reflectin on the condition of Verstehen. The hermeneutical transformation has a great influence on social sciences, of course also on educational theories, esp. those of O.F. Bollnow, K. Mollenhauer and W.Klafki etc. However, “Verstenhen” is usually denounced as psychological “Einfühlen” and thus as lacking of scientific objectivity. This denunciation is owing to neglection of the fact that Verstehen in modern hermeneutics is carried out through a continuous dialogue and discussion in an ideal hermeneutic situation. Therefore, the objectivity of Verstehen is based on human communicative rationality. The foregoing argumentation follows that Verstehen is an essential methodological instrumentarium for the reflection of educational scientific studies and for the meditation of metatheoretical reconstruction of educational science. It is finally recommended that hermeneutical reflection on educational studies should be integrated into a harmonious scientific procedure in order to form a more sound and humanistic system of educational science.
This study presents a hermeneutical analysis on the scientific character of pedagogy, with a view to promoting the formation of a sound and exact system of educational science. From a historical scrutinazation of the development of scientification of pedagogy it is found that the current empirico — analytical educational science misuses the principle of verification to the effect of advocating a methodological monism and finally dehumanizing educational studies. To rectify this mistake a hermenentical reflection on the educational scientific studies is essential. Originally hermeneutics means nothing but the interpretative techniques in the exegesis of ancient texts or the Scriptures. It was W. Dilthy, who first turned the focus to the study of Verstehen itself. Further through the elaboration of M. Heidegger, H. — G. Gadamer and J. Habermas etc. hermeneutics was elevated from the study of method to the transcendentallogical reflectin on the condition of Verstehen. The hermeneutical transformation has a great influence on social sciences, of course also on educational theories, esp. those of O.F. Bollnow, K. Mollenhauer and W.Klafki etc. However, “Verstenhen” is usually denounced as psychological “Einfühlen” and thus as lacking of scientific objectivity. This denunciation is owing to neglection of the fact that Verstehen in modern hermeneutics is carried out through a continuous dialogue and discussion in an ideal hermeneutic situation. Therefore, the objectivity of Verstehen is based on human communicative rationality. The foregoing argumentation follows that Verstehen is an essential methodological instrumentarium for the reflection of educational scientific studies and for the meditation of metatheoretical reconstruction of educational science. It is finally recommended that hermeneutical reflection on educational studies should be integrated into a harmonious scientific procedure in order to form a more sound and humanistic system of educational science.