

國民中學事務組長工作困擾與因應策略之研究 摘 要 本研究旨在探討國民中學事務組長工作困擾及因應策略,分析事務組長工作困擾成因及困擾程度,綜合研究發現,嚐試提出結論與建議供有關單位參考。 本研究以問卷調查法為主,訪談法為輔,以研究者自編之「國民中學事務組長工作困擾及因應策略調查問卷」對全台灣地區國民中學事務組長進行調查,共寄出698份問卷,有效問卷425份, 回收率 60.89%,以SPSS for Window 10.0統計軟體進行次數分配、描述性統計及不同組別最大值、最小值比較分析。 綜合文獻分析及問卷調查結果,本研究結論如下:國民中學事務組長對於工作困擾的嚴重程度依序為工作負荷、專業知能、內在衝突、行政運作及人際關係;因應策略為加強專業成長、主動尋求支援、學習自我調適及做好時間管理。 依據以上結論,提出下列各項建議: 一、對教育主管單位的建議 (一) 成立專業諮詢網站及專線 (二) 總務主任由職員專任 (三)提高事務組長職等及薪資 (四)增設財產組或經營組 (五)學校工程成立專責單位負責 (六)落實完善工友考核辦法 (七)定期舉辦在職訓練及經驗交流會議 (八)暢通事務組長升遷管道,提供事務組長升遷機會 二、對學校單位的建議 (一) 加強兼任行政教師行政專業研習 (二) 加強處室間的溝通協調 (三)明確劃分各組工作內容 三、對事務組長的建議 (一) 學習自我調適 (二) 主動尋求支援 (三) 加強專業成長 (四) 學習時間管理
A study of the job-problems and solutions for section chief of purchase and maintenance in Junior high school Abstract The main purpose of this study was to explore the job-problems and solutions for section chief-purchase and maintenance in Junior high school .According to the conclusion of this research, several recommends were provided. The research mainly focuses on questionnaires in addition to interviews .In order to answer the questions, the author developed a questionnaire to section chief of purchase and maintenance in Junior high school of Taiwan. Six hundred and ninety eight questionnaires were mailed, and then four hundred and twenty-five questionnaires were valid. The return rate was 60.89%. The data was analyzed by SPSS for Window 10.0 software. The findings of this study were: 1. The serious levels for the job-problems of section chief-purchase and maintenance in Junior high school were job loading, professional knowledge, internal conflict, administrative operation, and interpersonal relationship. 2. The solutions for job-problems were enhancing the professional abilities, seeking for support, learning how to self-adapt, and time management. According to the conclusion, the study provides some suggestions: 1. For educational and governmental institutes:(1)To set up Websites and dedicated line of professional consultation.(2)Directors of General Affairs is doing duty as full-time administrative employees.(4)Adding the section of property.(5)To establish the authority of engineering for school.(6)To ascertain a perfect evaluation methods for custodian workers.(7)To hold the regular in-service training and the communicate meeting.(8)Giving a chance of promotion for section chief of purchase and maintenance . 2.For school:(1)To hold the administrant training for teachers serving concurrently as administrators.(2)To strengthen the communication and negotiation among departments .(3)To specify the contents of job among section. 3.For section chief of purchase and maintenance:(1)To enhance the professional abilities.(2)Seeking for support.(3)Learning how to self-adapt.(4)Time management.



國民中學, 事務組長, 工作困擾, 因應策略, Junior high school, section chief of purchase and maintenance, the job-problems, the solutions





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