
dc.contributorWang, Chien-Juien_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, Guan-Zhien_US
dc.description.abstract1970年初台灣引進第一台電子遊戲機,二十世紀末,電子遊戲機產業發生弊案,所以台灣政府開始管制電子遊戲相關產業。二十一世紀初,世界各國開始將電子競賽列為重要競賽,所以政府也重新擬定電子遊戲相關法規,2018年,台灣政府修訂電子遊戲場業管理條例,該條例將大型電子遊戲機區分為被管制的電子遊戲機和非管制的選物販賣機兩種,因此台灣的選物販賣機開始蓬勃發展。由於選物販賣機才剛從法規區分出來,所以目前市面上的選物販賣機大多還是以營利為目的。本研究嘗試導入教育觀點的親子遊戲,並為了提升使用者體驗,所以也探討使用者經驗,希望為選物販賣機開創更多類型的設計。本研究因期望開創親子遊戲型選物販賣機的兒童年齡為7~12歲之間,該年齡普遍教育水平以國小為主,因此本研究在文獻探討中探究兒童認知發展主要以相關年齡為主,且本研究也探討遊戲對兒童之影響,以及參考親子遊戲架構與探討親子遊戲相關價值等,將上述親子遊戲相關要點融入後續創作之考量,並且在文獻部分也整理使用者經驗設計原則,之後應用親子遊戲架構四個項目與使用者經驗設計的八個原則,進行案例分析與訪談法,最後將所得要點進行後續設計創作,以提出五款親子遊戲型選物販賣機供為參考。經研究後所得結論為(一) 該年齡的兒童認知發展遊戲需符合具體運思期的具體性內容。(二) 遊戲應該以兒童為中心。(三) 親子之間的互動尤其重要,協助兒童社會化成長和降低親職壓力。(四) 親子遊戲架構的撫育性主要滿足兒童內心需求。(五) 成人和兒童人體工學的視覺角度以水平視角呈現為最佳。(六) 設計親子遊戲型選物販賣機應考慮到使用者過去的相關經驗。(七) 訪談後發現許多選物販賣機都忽略了引導性原則。期望後續親子遊戲相關的選物販賣機設計能斟酌參考以上結論。關鍵字:親子遊戲、選物販賣機、使用者經驗zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe first gaming console, My Little Bee, has made the gaming console business a golden age since the early 1970. However, the government in Taiwan started to control industries relevant to arcade games after the gaming console business was involved in the scandal at the end of the twentieth century. In the twenty-first century, Esports were listed as the indispensable competition items, so the government in Taiwan reconsidered, and made new regulations for the arcade games. In 2018, the law clearly defined the large arcade games as regulatory ones and non-regulatory ones, and the new law awoke the business of non-regulatory. Since the start-up market has been clarified on the regulations, most businessmen engage in it through profit target; therefore, it encourages me to explore arcade games via educational and parent-child viewpoint. To customerize and develop the multiple-arcade games, exploring the design and method of the electric machine by investigating the user experience.The expectation of the research to create the adaptive arcade games for the children whose ages are between 7 and 12, usual for them in elementary school. It is the reason why the following major reference is concerned with cognitive development in school-age children. Besides, delving into the influence of games to children and the worth of parent-child game and probing the structure of parent-child game. As for considering how to merge the related parent-child game into the subsequent work, and to organize the user experience from literature, I apply four items as the structure of parent-child game and eight principles as the reference user experience. After processing the interview and analysis of the cases, five kinds of parent-child arcade games created by the points concluded.After ruminating, the conclusions are seven below. First, parent-child arcade games should meet the cognitive development of children, a concrete operational stage and so does the challengeable level. Second, the concept to the game of children-centered need to be taken in. Third, the interaction between parents and children is very important, to socialize the children and to reduce parenting stress. Fourth, caring for the structure of parent-child games is significant, to satisfy the children’s inner needs, interaction, education, and signal transduction. Fifth, referring to horizontal field of view is best and ergonomic for adults and children, so the safety usage for children, the height and the scope of the machine operation, elevating system, and scaling must be sure to take the into account. Sixth, the design of parent-child arcade games is relevant to the past user experience. Seventh, most parent-child arcade games lack guidance, and it causes many users to have no idea how to operate the machines. Lastly, looking forward to the future researcher for arcade games would take the seven suggestions to the future study.keywords: parent-child games, arcade games, user experienceen_US
dc.subjectparent-child gamesen_US
dc.subjectarcade gamesen_US
dc.subjectuser experienceen_US
dc.titleResearch on the user experience of the parent-child play, arcade gamesen_US

