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本研究旨在探討不同背景變項之菲籍員工在人格特質、海外適應、工作投入及工作績效間的差異與關係,並針對(1) 不同人口學變項在海外適應、工作投入及工作績效的差異情形,(2) 菲籍員工人格特質、海外適應、工作投入與工作績效之相關情形進行檢驗。
本研究以調查法進行,研究對象為新竹地區某家科技公司之菲籍員工,以2008年度考績為基準發放問卷,凡具資格者皆需填寫問卷,有效樣本共計431位。研究工具包括「五大人格特質量表」、「海外適應量表」及「工作投入量表」。所得資料以描述統計、獨立樣本t考驗、Pearson 積差相關分析及徑路分析等統計方法進行分析,研究結果如下:
The purpose of this research was to explore the difference and relationship among personality trait, overseas adaptation, job involvement and work performance under different background variables of Filipino employee. This research mainly examine, (1) the difference among overseas adaptation, job involvement and work performance in different demographic variables and (2) the correlation among personality trait, overseas adaptation, job involvement and work performance of Filipino employee. This research was conducted by using the survey method, and the objects of the research are the Filipino employee of a selected electronic company in Hsinchu Science Industrial Park. Based on their 2008 annual performance appraisal results, every qualified Filipino employee filled in the questionnaire, resulting in 431 effective samples collected. Research tools include “NEO Five – Factor Inventory”, “The overseas adaptation inventory” and “The job involvement inventory”. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, Pearson correlation analysis and path analysis. The findings from this research were as follows: First, among the demographic factors, instead of overseas adaptation and job involvement, only variation of gender, age, and years of services will impact significantly on job performance. Second, two of the personality traits, neuroticism and extraversion dominant were significantly related to overseas adaptation. Third, overseas adaptation related to job involvement significantly. Fourth, there was no significant correlation of work performance on overseas adaptation and job involvement. Based on the above-mentioned conclusion, the researcher provided concrete suggestions to business and any subsequent researcher on related topics.
The purpose of this research was to explore the difference and relationship among personality trait, overseas adaptation, job involvement and work performance under different background variables of Filipino employee. This research mainly examine, (1) the difference among overseas adaptation, job involvement and work performance in different demographic variables and (2) the correlation among personality trait, overseas adaptation, job involvement and work performance of Filipino employee. This research was conducted by using the survey method, and the objects of the research are the Filipino employee of a selected electronic company in Hsinchu Science Industrial Park. Based on their 2008 annual performance appraisal results, every qualified Filipino employee filled in the questionnaire, resulting in 431 effective samples collected. Research tools include “NEO Five – Factor Inventory”, “The overseas adaptation inventory” and “The job involvement inventory”. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, Pearson correlation analysis and path analysis. The findings from this research were as follows: First, among the demographic factors, instead of overseas adaptation and job involvement, only variation of gender, age, and years of services will impact significantly on job performance. Second, two of the personality traits, neuroticism and extraversion dominant were significantly related to overseas adaptation. Third, overseas adaptation related to job involvement significantly. Fourth, there was no significant correlation of work performance on overseas adaptation and job involvement. Based on the above-mentioned conclusion, the researcher provided concrete suggestions to business and any subsequent researcher on related topics.
菲籍員工, 人格特質, 海外適應, 工作投入, 工作績效, Filipino employee, personality trait, overseas adaptation, job involvement, job performance