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Figures play an important role in geometric text reading. This study investigated the different roles of figures in geometric text reading processes, through the effects of adjusted figures on the transforming proposition, one-step inferential proposition, and multi-step inferential proposition validated by accuracy, response time and eye movements. In this study, the validated result of high school and undergraduate students was analyzed using twenty junior high school level geometry texts containing 110 proposition validations. Three experiments were conducted. Experiment 1 was paper-pencil group tests of 397 ninth grade students for the measurements of their accuracy. Experiment 2 was the computer-based testing of 46 average level ninth and tenth grade students for the measurements of the accuracy and response time. Experiment 3 was eye tracking of 41 college students for the measurements of their accuracy, response time and eye movements. Results indicated that: (1) generally, the accuracy from high to low was transforming proposition, one-step inferential proposition, and multi-step inferential proposition. The response time, dwell time, and gaze duration per pixel from short to long were transforming proposition, one-step inferential proposition, and multi-step inferential proposition. This implied that the most complicated proposition validations were the multi-step ones and the least were transforming ones. (2) The effects of adjusted figures depended on different proposition validation. The greatest effect of adjusted figures on accuracy was on transforming proposition validation, followed by one-step one. The effect on multi-step proposition validation was only found to have increased the efficiency. This implied that adjusted figures contributed to the perceptual organization, which led to the increased efficacy in transforming proposition validation. In addition, the adjusted figures also activated relevantly geometric theorems in long term memory which increased efficacy in one-step proposition validation. Furthermore, for the complex proving processes of multi-step proposition validation, in contrast, the effects of adjusted figures were on the increased efficiency and eye movements. (3) The subjects relied more on given information in transforming proposition validation than in one-step and multi-step ones. By comparise, they relied on more figure information in multi-step proposition validation than in one-step and transforming ones. This implied that the integration of the text and figure during transforming proposition validation depended on text more than the inferential processes of one-step and multi-step ones did. In contrast, the complex inferential processes went through the concrete spatial construction of figures, which resulted in the greatest dependency on figures of the multi-step proposition validation. (4) Adjusted figures significantly decreased the initial reading comprehension time of the given reading, but did not affect the regression time. This implied that adjusted figures affected the forming of spatial representations, but did not affect the inferential time. (5) Pupillary dilations might be an indication of the change in geometric text reading. According to the results, the researcher proposed a “geometric proposition validation cognitive model.” Implications for future research and the teaching relevance to geometric text reading are discussed.



眼動型態, 幾何文本, 幾何證明, 幾何命題判讀, 圖文閱讀, 閱讀理解, 認知模式, eye movements, geometric text, geometric proof, validation of geometric propositions, reading of text and diagram, reading comprehension, cognitive model





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