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沒有分秒必爭的紅綠燈;沒有日以繼夜的便利商店;沒有車水馬龍的加油站;沒有人聲鼎沸的速食店;這是臺灣319鄉中,擁有群山環抱、清溪圍繞的世外桃源--臺北縣平溪鄉。 元宵節台灣傳統慶典代表「北天燈,南蜂炮」,平溪鄉是天燈的故鄉;曾是北台灣重要煤礦重鎮,因開採煤礦,形成了聚落,煤鄉文化豐富;運煤而興建的平溪線鐵路,是臺鐵僅存三條小火車支線之一,除具觀光價值外,更是重要的歷史文化資產。除此之外,平溪還擁有臺灣最大的瀑布、最多的壺穴、最美的艷紅鹿子百合,豐富的地方形象特色引人探索。 因此本研究主要探討:如何應用視覺傳達設計表現地方形象特色,俾利拓展地方的知名度,並以臺北縣平溪鄉作為實際案例,進行視覺傳達設計與地方形象特色之間的關聯性研究。 本研究方法採用質化研究,以田野調查、個案研究法、口述歷史與深度訪談法進行探討。希冀藉由此研究,提出具有實際應用價值的視覺設計表現,體驗其帶來的深遠意象,進而喚起鄉民重視平溪地方形象特色的保存與推廣,對視覺設計應用於地方形象特色行銷方面的重視,促進地方觀光活動的經濟效益,達到提升地方生活品質的最終目的。
There is no traffic light for people to seize every minute and second, no day and night convenience store, no crowded gas station or fast food store. This is Pingshi Township, Taipei County, one of 319 townships in Taiwan. It is surrounded by green mountains and clean streams. It is a place for taking refuge. Lantern Festival is one of typical traditional festivals in Taiwan. People know this well; Northern Sky Lantern and Southern Firecracker. Pingshi is the hometown of sky lantern. It used to be an important place for coal mining. It became a village because of coal mining, and it was rich in coal mining culture. Pingshi Railway was built to transport the coal to other places. Now it is one of the three train lines of Taiwan Railways Administration. It is not only for tourism value but an important history culture asset. Besides, there are many rich local images worthy to explore in Pingshi, including the largest waterfall in Taiwan, the most pot holes and the most beautiful Lily Speciosum. Therefore, the main purpose of this research was to approach; how to apply visual design to express local image and help expand local popularity. The research subject was Pingshi Township , and designed to do the correlation research between visual design and local image. The research method was qualitative research. The methods were as follows: fieldwork, case study, oral history and depth interview. By means of this research, the researcher hoped that she could address the practical value of visual design; to experience the far-reaching image; to arouse people in Pingshi to value and promote the local image. And then, the residents in Pingshi could pay much attention to the application of visual design to the local image marketing and advance the economic benefits of local tourism. Finally, the residents could reach the ultimate goal of promoting local life quality.



天燈, 地方形象特色, 視覺傳達設計, sky lantern, local image, visual design





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