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本研究旨在以國中生活科技課程為範圍,探討不同創造思考方法在不同的產品創新 類型與不同的創新階段的應用效果。因此,本研究的研究目的包括以下三項:1.瞭解不 同創思方法在不同的產品創新類型(材料、機構、特徵)之應用效果;2.瞭解不同創思方法在不同 的產品創新階段(構想、設計、成品)之應用效果;3.瞭解不同創思方法在同時考慮不同創新類型 與創新階段下的應用效果。 本研究主要是利用實驗的方法進行。所採用的技術,為前後測比較實驗。自變項包 括創思方法、創新類型、創新階段三項,依變項為創新程度,統計控制變項則為個人創造力及 科技認知。研究樣本的組別分配方面,一共需要15 組(5*3),創思方法(5 個水準)*創新類型(3 個水準),需有15 個班級,約有600 位國中學生參與 在量的資料方面,本研究主要利用SPSS-10.0 統計軟體,分別以威廉斯創造力測驗分數及科 技認知分數作為創新程度分數的共變量,進行共變數統計分析,來瞭解學生用不同創思方法下 的技術創造成果。
This study is to explore the effects of different creative thinking techniques on technological innovation tasks in junior high technology curriculum. A true experiment design and pretest-posttest design will be adapted to teaching experiment. The three independent variables are creative thinking techniques , types of innovation, and stages of innovation. The dependent variables are idea creativity, design creativity, and product creativity. There are about 600 junior high school students participated in this study from 15 classes. Analysis of Covariance will be conducted to investigate the correlation and the inter-correlation within those independent variables in relation to the dependent variable.
This study is to explore the effects of different creative thinking techniques on technological innovation tasks in junior high technology curriculum. A true experiment design and pretest-posttest design will be adapted to teaching experiment. The three independent variables are creative thinking techniques , types of innovation, and stages of innovation. The dependent variables are idea creativity, design creativity, and product creativity. There are about 600 junior high school students participated in this study from 15 classes. Analysis of Covariance will be conducted to investigate the correlation and the inter-correlation within those independent variables in relation to the dependent variable.