
dc.contributorYen, Jenen_US
dc.contributor.authorHuang, Yi-Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract臺灣得天獨厚的自然環境為世界著名的茶葉產區,獨特的製茶技術產製出品質優良的茶,也造就出臺灣成為「烏龍茶王國」與「世界烏龍茶產製中心」的美名。臺灣烏龍茶可說是臺灣最能代表本土特色的農產品,也是人們送禮的首選。現今消費者意識抬頭,選購商品的條件已不再僅取決於功能與價格,而是轉為情感取向,重視精神上的滿足與購買商品所帶來的愉悅感。情感是人們最直接且主觀的感覺,也是影響消費者判斷與決策的關鍵(廖淑伶,2007)。因此,商品如何以情感為基礎,在眾多品牌中脫穎而出,贏得消費者的心理認同,進而達成銷售的任務,是一項重要的議題。本研究主要目的在探討情感設計與包裝設計的關聯性,期望應用情感設計以增加臺灣烏龍茶包裝的附加價值。 本研究針對臺灣烏龍茶文化、包裝設計、情感設計相關文獻進行歸納與整理,蒐集2011年至2016年具公信力的國際競賽獲獎之茶包裝共359件與市售茶包裝124件進行歸類,經由焦點小組討論篩選出25件作品,並進行深入分析其創新手法、情感表現、美感因素與綠色設計的應用。另根據文獻探討之結果歸納出情感連結構面作為創作內涵的依據,並以心智圖法的發散式思考發想概念,創作出「茶香裊裊」、「好蒔光」、「四季丰采」三款具情感價值的臺灣烏龍茶系列包裝。 本創作研究經由3系列15款的臺灣烏龍茶包裝設計結果包括:(1)以「人文風情」、「自然環境」、「飲茶情境」與「製茶文化」四個臺灣烏龍茶文化情感連結構面作為創作的切入點;(2)包裝透過「具美感的視覺」、「特殊的功能性」、「特色的造形」、「創意的結構」易與消費者產生情感的連結;(3)設計師在設計時應順應「創新」、「情感」、「美感」與「綠色」國際包裝設計趨勢。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith an advantageous natural environment, Taiwan has become a world-renowned tea growing region. Its unique tea manufacturing technology produces high quality tea, which helps cement Taiwan’s reputation as the “Kingdom of Oolong Tea” and “World Production Center of Oolong Tea.” Taiwan oolong tea is probably the most representative agriculture product to present local characteristics of Taiwan, as well as a top choice for gifting. Consumers in modern times are more conscious about purchasing than before, and their purchases are no longer all about their functions and prices, but more about the emotional and spiritual satisfactions as well as the pleasure frompurchasing the goods. Emotions are straightforward and subjective and are a key to influence consumers’ judgment and decision-making (Liao, 2007). As such, how products can stand out among various brands, win consumers’ recognition, and achieve marketing and sales success by controlling the emotional aspect, are important topics. The purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between emotional design and package design in a hope to increase the added value of Taiwan oolong teapackaging. The study conducted literature review on topics related to Taiwan oolong tea culture, package design, and emotional design. A total of 359 various credible (international tournament-awarded) tea packages from 2011 to 2016, as well as 124 commercially available tea packages were collected and categorized for the study. The focus group then screened out 25 of them out of the aforementionedafter thorough discussions and further analyzed the application of their innovative techniques, emotional expression, aesthetic factors, and green design.Based on the conclusion drawn from literature review that the emotional connection aspect is fundamental to creative content, three series of Taiwan oolong tea packages with emotional values were created under the divergent thinking from mind mapping: “Formosa Bird Tea,”“Good Time, Good Tea,” and “Abundance Tea.” With the design creation of 3 series, 12 styles of tea packages, the study drew the following conclusions. 1) Four emotional connection aspects of Taiwan oolong tea culture including “culture and customs,”“natural environment,”“tea drinking scenarios,” and “tea production culture” were the starting points of the creation. 2) “Aesthetic visual sensation,”“unique functionality,”“distinctive design,” and “creative structure” of packages are conducive to their establishment of emotional connections with consumers. 3) Designers should follow the international tide of package design: innovation, emotion, aesthetics, and green.en_US
dc.subjectEmotion designen_US
dc.subjectPackaging Designen_US
dc.subjectTaiwan oolong teaen_US
dc.titleA Study Emotional Design Applied to Packaging Design of Oolong Teas in Taiwanen_US

