媒介產業的多元意涵:產權結構的觀點 (I)
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在寬頻化、數位化,以及產業匯流等趨勢影響下,全球媒介產業走向解管制,不過 媒介產權管制的放鬆將導致產權集中,進而強化媒體集團的影響力,其中最受矚目的影 響是媒體集團對意見自由市場的操控,以致資訊內容單一化與意見多樣性的減少,致使 民主政治所仰賴的新聞自由流通與多元資訊管道的發展基礎陷入危機中,因此在這發展 潮流中,媒介多元議題更形重要。 首先,本研究將搜集產業市場與官方登記資料,解構台灣媒介的產權結構及其複雜 關係,試圖建立台灣媒介產業產權關係圖;其次,本研究將檢視被跨媒體集團併購的媒 介,其內容受產權影響的情形,進行媒介產權影響媒介多元的實證研究;接著,本研究 亦將蒐集世界主要國家的(跨)媒介產權規範,主要包括歐盟與美國,作為制訂台灣媒 介產權規範的參考;最後,本研究將採用專家學者德惠法,結合各界意見與研究成果, 提出具體建議,提供給政府做為規範媒介產權以保障媒介多元的政策參考。
The concept of diversity has been a long-term subject for exploration to various theoretical disciplines of social sciences. For media research, concerns on media diversity need to be reconsidered due to the world-wide inevitable trend of digitalization and media convergence. First of all, this study is about to analyze ownership of Taiwan』s main media and explore the interlocking ownership of Taiwan』s media industry. Secondly, this study will conduct a content analysis to investigate the influence of ownership on media content. Thirdly, the study plans to collect related media regulations from the European Union (EU) and the United States of America (USA) as a reference. Finally, this study will employ the Delphi method to conclude all research findings and suggestions with the hope for the government to enact suitable media ownership regulations of Taiwan.
The concept of diversity has been a long-term subject for exploration to various theoretical disciplines of social sciences. For media research, concerns on media diversity need to be reconsidered due to the world-wide inevitable trend of digitalization and media convergence. First of all, this study is about to analyze ownership of Taiwan』s main media and explore the interlocking ownership of Taiwan』s media industry. Secondly, this study will conduct a content analysis to investigate the influence of ownership on media content. Thirdly, the study plans to collect related media regulations from the European Union (EU) and the United States of America (USA) as a reference. Finally, this study will employ the Delphi method to conclude all research findings and suggestions with the hope for the government to enact suitable media ownership regulations of Taiwan.