
dc.contributorMei-Mei Wuen_US
dc.contributor.authorLing Yi Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究目的只在探討在職進修館員個人知識管理中「知識獲取、知識儲存與知識分享」的方式並分析其影響因素為何。以十五位在職進修館員為研究對象,進行相關資料蒐集。最後根據研究分析結果,對圖書館、圖書館員及未來研究提出具體建議。 為達成上述的研究目的,本研究藉由文獻回顧,分下列項目探討:知識的內涵及知識管理理論;個人知識管理探討;圖書館員在職進修環境、繼續教育與自我成長的相關研究;探討個人知識管理的相關實證研究;探討圖書館與知識管理的相關研究與方法,以求深入瞭解現存相關理論與研究,建立本研究之研究方向與研究價值。採用半結構訪談法,訪問十五位在職進修館員,並將訪談內容製作成逐字稿,再進一步進行編碼與資料分析,探討個人知識管理中的知識獲取、知識儲存、知識分享的情形,並歸納出實際的方式及其影響因素。研究結果歸納以下二點: 一、在受訪圖書館員個人知識管理的方式之發現:(一)受訪館員知識獲取的方式以外來資訊為主;(二)受訪館員在知識儲存的方式以數位檔案型式為主;(三)受訪館員在知識分享的心態是樂於分享。 二、在影響受訪圖書館員知識管理因素發現:歸納整理出環境、個人、資訊來源、訊息及利益面向的影響因素,由於因素間交錯複雜的關係,將使得個人知識管理的過程更為複雜。 本研究提出建議如下: 一、對圖書館的建議:(一)提供多元且便利的知識獲取環境;(二)建置知識管理系統;(三)制定實際的獎勵措施。 二、對圖書館員的建議:(一)積極參與社群活動,增加更多寶貴經驗;(二)認同個人知識管理的重要性,加強各項專業素養。 三、對未來研究的建議:(一)在研究對象方面:可針對各類型圖書館的館員做比較研究;或擴大範圍至不同學科背景的館員進行探討;(二)在研究範圍方面:可進行其他行業的探討;或針對另一個行業做多重個案研究;或可跨行業、跨個案的多重比較研究;(三)在研究主題方面:擴大研究主題到知識應用與知識創新,做全面性探討以及增加個人與組織整體的角度來瞭解;(四)在研究方法方面:可採質性取向的縱貫研究。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe study focuses on discussing the methods of“knowledge acquisition、storage and sharing”of in-service learning librarians and analysis of the relative factors. Finally, according to the results of this research, proposing the concrete recommendations for library, librarian and further research based on this topic. In order to have the achievement of above main purpose, through the reviews of a variety of relative documents this research explores the elements and managing theories of erudition first and then investigates into the personal knowledge management, the in-service learning environments and graduated education for librarians. Besides, searching into relative evidences for personal knowledge management and then proceeding to investigate the methods of integrating the knowledge management with library system in order to have more advanced realization to the existent relative theories and establish both the direction and value on this research. Moreover, this research adopted semi-structured interview to interview with fifteen librarians, then arranged and analyzed these face to face talking contents in order to investigate how to source, store and share the erudition under their personal knowledge management. Eventually, induce their real actions and find out the affecting factors. The results of this research are listed as follows: 1. The conclusions of personal knowledge management from interviews with fifteen librarians are listed as follows: (1)The interviewers source the knowledge by implementing external information mainly. (2)The interviewers store the knowledge by utilizing all kinds of digital products mainly. (3)All the interviewers would like to share their knowledge with others. 2. The affecting factors of personal knowledge management from interviews with fifteen librarians are listed as follows: The affecting factors are environment, person, information, information source and benefit. In fact, above factors have interlaced and complex relations, so these will make the personal knowledge management more difficult and more complicated. According to above results, in the end, this research proposes three concrete recommendations as follows: 1. The recommendations for library: (1) Providing the convenient and diverse environment for knowledge acquisition. (2) Constructing the system of knowledge management and creating the environment for personal knowledge management. (3) Establishing the system of rewards for personal knowledge management. 2. The recommendationsfor librarian: (1) Participating all kinds of social activities aggressively in order to absorb more and more important experiences from others. (2) Recognizing the importance of personal knowledge management and improving personal professional abilities. 3. The recommendations for future research: (1) About the research object: The future research may explore and compare the librarians in different field libraries or the librarians in same property libraries. Moreover, extend the investigation to the librarians who have the different subjects or backgrounds. (2) About the research range: The future research may proceed this topic and then have the comparison investigations with other industries. (3) About the research subject: The future research may extend the current subject from knowledge management level to knowledge application and knowledge innovation levels. Besides, have a more comprehensive realization from different point of views. (4) About the research way: The future research may adopt the longitudinal study.en_US
dc.subjectPersonal Knowledge Managementen_US
dc.subjectKnowledge Acquisitionen_US
dc.subjectKnowledge Storageen_US
dc.subjectKnowledge Sharingen_US
dc.titleA Study for Knowledge Acquisition、Knowledge Storage and Knowledge Sharing of In-service Learning Librarians’Personal Knowledge Managementen_US

