

本研究旨在探究偶發事件對諮商心理師專業發展之影響,研究者以三位目前持續從事諮商工作的諮商心理師為訪談對象,藉由他們對其專業發展歷程的故事敘說,採取Lieblich, Tuval-Mashiach 和Zilber(1998)所提出的「整體─內容」分析方式,輔以「類別─內容」的分析觀點,探究偶發事件對其專業發展的影響。並進一步了解專業發展歷程中,偶發事件的內涵與影響層次,以及研究參與者個人內在資源與偶發事件的關聯性。 研究結果發現,三位諮商心理師的專業發展歷程都存在偶發事件的影響, 專業發展歷程中偶發事件的內涵呈現如下:一、偶發事件的本質在於其「意外」與「非預期」;二、偶發事件的結構上,可分為四個向度:(一)涵蓋正、負向事件:對生涯或專業發展產生效應的事件,未必都是正向的,但在這些正、負向的偶發事件中,可能由於個人自身的運用,創造了原本沒有的機會或促成對後續生涯發展的助力;(二)適當時機他人提供訊息:計畫之外的訊息往往帶來了出乎意料的生涯機會,但由另一種角度觀之,可以發現這與個人本身能留心到自己所需或渴望的訊息亦有所關聯;(三)呼應過去的所學或興趣:在專業發展歷程中發揮影響的偶發事件,許多呼應了個人過去的所學或興趣。因此觸發個人採取某些行動回應事件所帶來的機會,也因而帶來了更多的生涯可能;(四)政策的改變:在本研究中,發現到受訪者受到教育政策的改變而影響生涯方向的現象。三、偶發事件的功能:(一)對自我的影響:主要呈現在「增進自我的了解」、「觸發對於生命的省思」、「拓展個人興趣」或「轉化自我概念」等部份。(二)由受訪者的生命故事中,可以發現偶發事件對於諮商心理師「專業取向的發展」與「職業型態的選擇」兩部分,存在著程度不一的影響。 在偶發事件影響的層次上,發現到其對諮商專業發展歷程的影響主要可分為四個層次:一、偶發事件引發進入諮商領域/成為諮商師的動能:在本研究中發現,三位受訪者生涯發展與轉折的歷程中,偶發事件的影響扮演著關鍵的角色。但偶發事件之所以產生意義與促成成為諮商師的動能,仍需回到背景脈絡、個人特質與當時的生命情況中思考。二、眾多偶發事件蘊蓄生涯轉換的推力:生涯的改變並非在剎那間產生,偶發事件造成的可能是生命中的「漸變」,但這些「漸變」逐漸匯集之後,蘊蓄豐沛的能量在一段時間後帶來整個生涯方向的改變。三、偶發事件關乎過去、現在,也影響未來:偶發事件在專業成長與生涯轉換的推動上,有「漸進疊合」的現象,個人對於偶發事件的理解以及詮釋,隨著時空的位移對於事件的解釋也將有所不同。四、偶發事件在專業發展中發揮安定的力量:在進入諮商領域之後,當後續發生的偶發事件在個人的覺知層面被視為帶來某些價值感、成就以及樂趣時,偶發事件所牽涉的層面也成為了在諮商領域中安身立命的安定力量。 在本研究中也發現,三位受訪者擁有某些內在資源,幫助其面對偶發事件時,能把握或創造對專業發展有益的機會。這些共同的內在資源植基於良好的「自我覺察」和「自我省思」能力,以及「積極」、「努力」、「勇於冒險」、「有毅力」、「具備彈性」、「樂於學習」、「好奇」、「能夠承擔風險」、「能接受變化」等。 最後,根據研究過程和結果,提出研究的限制與建議,以作為未來研究的參考。
The purpose of this study is to investigate how serendipity affects the professional development of three licensed counselors, and to further explore the content, structure and functions of serendipity and its relationship with those participants’ inner resources, utilizing Holistic-content as well as Categorical-content approach. The results are as the following: 1. The nature of serendipity lies in its surprising-ness as well as unexpected-ness. 2. The structure of serendipity contains four dimensions as the following: (1) Not only positive but also negative serendipity contributes to professional development as long as those events could be taken into creative and constructive use. (2) Serendipity evokes unexpected career opportunity, which has something to do with the ability to listen to the yearnings from the bottom of the heart. (3) Serendipity corresponds to what have learned or had a liking for in the past, which actuates more career possibilities. (4) Educational policy might shift the participants’ career. 3. The functions of serendipity are as the following: Fistly, serendipity improves self-understanding, triggers reflections about life, expands personal interests, and transforms self concept. Secondly, serendipity impacts counselors’ professional orientation and career choice in various degrees.Four levels of serendipity affecting professional development have been identified: 1. Serendipity plays a key role on the interviewees’ career with other interacting factors such as background, personal traits, and other life situations. 2. Serendipity alters career little by little in a span of time instead of all of a sudden. 3. Serendipity has a relation with past, present, and future, which promotes career and professional development in a gradual and additive way. Personal understanding and interpretation on serendipity would also change as time goes by. 4. As subsequent serendipity being conceived as something valuable, contributing and enjoyable, it plays a stabilizing and anchoring role in professional development.Several inner resources being identified among those three interviewees include self-awareness, self-reflections, enthusiasm, effort, adventure, strenuous, persistency, flexibility, loving to learn, curiosity, daring to risk, and accommodating to changes etc. Finally, several limitations and recommendations of this research have been proposed for future studies. Key word:serendipity、counselor、 professional development



偶發事件, 諮商師, 專業發展, serendipity, counselor, professional development





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