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  本研究目的旨在了解日籍學習者學習漢語詞彙時的難點與其主要原因,並探討母語對掌握中日同形詞的影響,以期日後可運用於對日籍學習者教學上,減少日籍漢語學習者在學習及運用中日同形詞時所遇到的困難。研究對象為日籍學習者,初級者13人,中級者40人,高級者72人,共計125人。在發放問卷之前所設定的目標為每一程度的學生至少為30人,然而問卷回收後的結果和預先的設定並不相同。主要的研究方法為問卷調查法,並以訪談方式以補問卷之不足。   研究結果顯示:無論中文程度的高低,日籍學習者往往還是受到母語的影響。尤其是初中級的學習者,因中文的詞彙量不足,經常會使用大量的日語漢字詞進行中文溝通。已經達到高級的學習者也經常出現中日同形詞使用上之偏誤。   其次,隨著外語能力的進步,高級學習者逐漸接近或達到第二語言的水平。因此,高級學習者在使用中日同形詞的正確率比中級學習者高。此一測驗結果也驗證了不少學者的觀點,如Taylor(1975) 和Brown(1987)。這些學者指出,母語干擾現象主要出現在第二語言學習的早期階段。此外,中級學習者偏誤率較高,符合了Kellerman(1983)提出的U型理論,即到了中級階段學習者的偏誤率最高。然而隨著第二語言能力的不斷提升,偏誤的標的語形式便逐漸為正確的標的語形式所取代。   本論文旨在以日籍漢語學習者為對象,從詞類、詞義、語用等面向分析中日漢字詞中存在的同形詞差異,協助日籍漢語學習者快速而有效地習得中文詞彙,並辨識中日同形詞的差異,亦能作為編寫日籍學習者學習中日同形詞之教材的參考。
  The main objective of this research is to study the difficulties that native Japanese speakers have in learning Chinese words and the reasons behind these difficulties. This research also aims to look at the impact native language has on understanding homographs, so that such understanding can be applied to teaching and to help Japanese students overcome the difficulties in learning and using homographs. One hundred twenty-five subjects are surveyed in this research, all of which are native Japanese speakers learning Chinese. Thirteen subjects are beginning learners, 40 are intermediate level learners, and 72 are advanced level learners. Questionnaires are given out to at least 30 students in each level, however, the number of valid questionnaires collected is below the expected return rate of 30 per level. To make up for this difference, interviews are conducted.   Result of the study indicates that regardless of the level of Chinese proficiency, the student’s native language of Japanese interferes with their Chinese learning. This is especially true for students in the intermediate level. Students in the intermediate level have a small repertoire of Chinese words, and thus rely heavily on Japanese kanji to communicate in Chinese. Students in advanced level also tend to misuse homographs that exist in Japanese kanji and Chinese characters.   As their language ability improves, advanced level learners who are near or have reached second language proficiency are more accurate in using homographs than their intermediate level counterparts. This result is consistent with findings of Taylor (1975) and Brown (1987). According to earlier findings, native language interference appears at the early stage of second language learning. The high discrepancy at the intermediate level is also consistent with Kellerman’s U-shape theory (1983), where discrepancy reaches its highest point at intermediate level. As second language ability improves, discrepancy in the target language is slowly replaced by proper form of the target language.   Native Japanese speakers learning Chinese are the subject of this study. Homographs in Chinese characters and Japanese kanji are analyzed from three aspects—parts of speech, semantic and pragmatic. Understanding the differences and similarities in homographs can be useful in helping students learn Chinese words more quickly and effectively, while recognizing such variations can help teachers in designing or writing homograph-related teaching materials for Japanese learners.



中日同形詞, 日籍學生, 詞彙教材, 偏誤分析, Chinese-Japanese homographs, Japanese students, instructional materials for words, discrepancy analysis





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