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學科教學知識(Pedagogical Content Knowledge, PCK)係指教師在教學中能運用有效的表徵方式呈現學習內容,能掌握學生先備知識與學習困難,並據以轉化為學生易理解之方式進行教學的知識。臺灣的資訊科技新課綱實施在即,資訊科技教師是否具備足夠的PCK是影響新課綱實施成敗的關鍵。本研究編製「資訊科技教師PCK自我評量問卷」,共涵蓋課程知識、學習者及其背景知識、學科整體知識、學科教學方法與情境知識、程式設計與運算思維及學科學習成效評量等六類PCK知識面向,對現職中學資訊科技教師進行線上問卷調查,並探討教師背景對其PCK的影響。 本研究收集75位中學教師之問卷填答,其中51份為有效問卷。調查結果顯示,教師自評PCK足以勝任新課綱教學,在「學科整體知識」面向自評表現最佳,但在「學科學習成效評量」面向則略顯不足。在「程式設計與運算思維」面向,教師希望提升在「程式設計教學策略與方法」及「結合其他學習領域於運算思維教學」等教學專業知能。而教師畢業系所、修畢教育專業課程學校屬性、任教年段及任教地區也影響教師的PCK。未來研究建議擴大研究樣本的數量與範圍,並納入質性資料輔佐,以更具體了解資訊科技教師PCK全貌。
Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) is essential for every teacher. The concept of PCK refers to teachers’ interpretations and transformations of content knowledge, understanding of learning difficulties and prior knowledge of students. Few studies to date have focused on the PCK of computing teachers. This study developed a self-evaluated questionnaire of PCK for computing teachers. The questionnaire was designed with six dimensions to investigated the status of the secondary school computing teachers’ PCK, including: (I) knowledge of curriculum, (II) knowledge of learners and their background, (III) knowledge of subject matter, (IV) knowledge of instructional methods and context, (V) programming and computational thinking, (VI) knowledge of evaluation. We also collected demographic data of the surveyed teachers to analyze factors that might affect teachers’ PCK. In this study, 75 of secondary school teachers responded, 51 sets are valid returns. The results showed that, overall, teachers considered themselves competent in teaching the new curriculum. With respect to the PCK in "programming and computational thinking", “the instructional strategies and methods of programming ” and “jointly with other learning area on teaching computational thinking” are the theme of in-service teacher education for relevant agencies planned to improve the profession of teaching. The study also finds that teachers’ PCK varied with such factors as major, certificated school types of teacher education program, grade of students and location of school in Taiwan. Future studies are suggested to increase the sample size and add different types of qualitative data to examine what degree the computing teachers’ competencies of PCK.



資訊科技課程, 學科教學知識, 程式設計, 運算思維, Computing curriculum, Pedagogical content knowledge, Programming, Computational thinking





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