新冠肺炎下誕生的新興生活詞彙與媒體用語 ——以 2019-2022 兩岸常見十五個新詞為例

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在西元2019年間,首次於四川省武漢的華南海鮮市場發現不明原因的病毒肺炎,也就是後來耳熟能詳的「新冠肺炎」,自此以後,全球進入了長達四年之久的疫情時代。在這場疫病浩劫中,超過上億人確診、百萬人病歿,人們為此付出了慘痛生命代價的同時,也迫使改變過去既有的全球秩序,重新建立嶄新的生活型態與語言現象。 有感於此,本研究以西元2019年至2022年間臺灣地區與大陸地區所出現與新冠肺炎相關的新興詞語為研究範圍,以中國語言生活狀況為大陸地區語料來源,並援引《人民網》、《新華網》與《新浪網》作為真實語境例句。另外,以臺灣衛生福利部疾病管制署(2022a)新聞稿作為臺灣地區語料來源,援引《聯合新聞網》與《奇摩新聞網》作為真實語境例句。 本研究從詞源背景、語言結構、詞語意義、真實應用與流行時序等五大面向進行探討,研究結果發現:1. 新冠肺炎疫情所誕生的新興詞語來源以「舊詞新義」形式義位居首位;2.語言結構為「偏正式複合詞」詞語數量最多;3.醫療疫情、防疫政策相關新興詞語多為貶義詞義感情色彩,新型態生活相關新興詞語則多趨向褒義詞義感情色彩;4.新興詞語流行數量與時序,與新冠疫情疫情呈現一定相關性。大陸地區於西元2020年新興詞語數量最多、疫情最為嚴重,臺灣地區則是西元2021年。最後,綜合研究結果並應用於華語教材與課程設計中,冀望能提供日後的教學與研究參酌。
In 2019, an unidentified virus pneumonia was first discovered in the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan, Sichuan, China, which later became known as COVID-19. Since then, the world has entered a pandemic era that has lasted for three years. In this pandemic disaster, over one hundred million people have been diagnosed and millions have died, causing people to pay a painful price for their lives. At the same time, it has forced a change in the previous global order and established a new lifestyle and language phenomenon.Based on this, this study takes the neolgy related to COVID-19 that appeared in the Chinese-speaking world between 2019 and 2022 as the research scope. The research uses"China Language Life Situation" as the Chinese corpus source and cites "People's Daily", "Sina News", and "Xinhua News" as real context examples. In addition, "Taiwan Central Epidemic Command Center press release" is used as the source of Taiwan corpus, and "UDN News" and "Yahoo News" are cited as real context examples. This study explores the COVID-19 neology from the five dimensions: background-origin, language structure, word meaning, language use, popularity and time sequence. The research results found that: 1. The COVID-19 neology born under the COVID-19 pandemic are mostly"revived old words". 2. The number of polysyllabic words with "Modifier-Head compound " language structure is the most. 3.The neology related to medical epidemics and epidemic prevention policies tend to have negative connotations, while the COVID-19 changed-lifestyle neology tend to have positive connotations. 4. There is a certain correlation between the neology popularity and the timeline of the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, China had the highest number of neology and the most severe outbreak,while Taiwan had the highest number in 2021. Finally, the study results are applied to Chinese teaching materials and curriculum design, hoping to provide ideas for Mandarin teaching and research.



新冠肺炎, 新興詞語, 兩岸詞語, 詞彙意義, 華語教材, COVID-19, Neology, Cross-Strait Terminology, Lexical Semantics, Mandarin Chinese Teaching Materials





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