Browsing by Author "Chen-Fu Huang"
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Item Age-differences in the free vertical moments during stepping down - pilot(2012-07-06) 黃長福; Tzu-Hsiang Yang; Chen-Fu HuangThe aim of this study was to understand age-differences in body control during stepping down by investigating free vertical moments (FVMs). Two older adults and two young adults participated in this study. During each trial, lower extremities kinematics were measured using a 10 camera Vicon system (250Hz) and ground reaction forces were recorded using two Kistler force platforms (1000Hz). FVM was calculated by ground reaction forces using Visual3D software. The results indicated young adults showed adduction-FVM (ADD-FVM) but older adults presented abduction-FVM (ABD-FVM) during double-stance phase. Older adults seemed to exert more ABD-FVM than young adults while in the single support phase. It was concluded that the FVMs seemed to point to different strategies between older adults and young adults.Item The biomechanical analysis of the taekwondo front-leg axe-kick(2005-08-27) 黃長福; Yeh-Jung Tsai; Guo-Hong Gu; Chia-Jung Lee; Chen-Fu Huang; Chien-Lu TsaiThe purpose of the study was to analyze the biomechanics of taekwondo front-leg axekick. One force plates, two synchronized high-speed cameras were used to measure biomechanical parameters in each phase of the front-leg axe-kick. The results included: 1. The average reaction time and movement time were 0.423 sand 0.327 s, which respectively occupied about 56% and 44% of attack time. 2. The maximum velocity of hip, knee and ankle were 1.74 m/s, 5.25 m/s and 7.43 m/s respectively. When the kicking leg touched the target, the velocity of knee and ankle were 0.78m/s, 1.72m1s, and 4.64m1s respectively. 3. The peak vertical GRF and impulse were 0.96 SW and 77.57N-s. For decreasing the movement time, it's suggested that an athlete should increase the power and flexibility of lower extremities during the training section.Item The calculation on the rotational kinematics about the longitudinal axis of javelin by three methods(2005-08-27) 黃長福; Guo-Hong Gu; Yeh-Jung Tsai; Chen-Fu HuangThe motion of javelin is complicated after it is released. Itis necessary to use some skills to calculate the rotation kinematics about the longitudinal axis of javelin. In this study, the Euler angle, the Cardan angle and the screw axis methods were used to calculate these kinematic variables. Two synchronized Redlake high-speed cameras (250 Hz) and a javelin with three fixed reflective markers were used in the experiment. Generally the results by three methods were close, and all of the three methods are suitable for the calculation on these variables. In the Euler angle and Cardan angle methods, the order of rotation sequence needs to be taken account, however no similar problem occurred in screw method. The results suggested that the longitudinal axis should be set as second axis in either Euler angle or Cardan angle methods to avoid Gimbal Lock (singularity) problem.Item Differences in 3D kinematics between genders during volleyball spike(2011-07-07) 黃長福; Po-Chieh Chen; Chen-Fu Huang; Szu-Ming ShihItem Effect of Tai chi Exercise on Counter-movement Jump in Aged Adults(2009-07-09) 黃長福; Jung-Chun Chi; Chen-Fu Huang; Chun-Lung LinItem The influence of adjustable putter head weighting on the stroke(2012-07-06) 黃長福; Yen-Lei Wu; Chen-Fu Huang; Christian Marquart; Li-Chun Yu; Su-wei LeeItem The influence of tai-chi exercise on dynamics of lower extremity for the elderly during sit-to- stand(2014-07-16) 黃長福; Chung-Lin Wu; Chen-Fu Huang; Po-Chieh ChenThe purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of Tai Chi exercise on sit-tostand in the elderly. Ten healthy female elders (normal group) and nine healthy Tai-Chi female practitioner (Tai-Chi group) participated in this study. The results indicated: (1) During the forward flexion phase, normal group showed significantly greater hip flexion angle and moment than Tai-Chi group (p<.05); (2) During the extension phase, normal group showed significantly greater hip and ankle extension moments than Tai-Chi group (p<.05). Results indicated that the normal group tended to use excessive hip flexion strategy in shorter time to stand, while the Tai-Chi group used smooth strategy instead. Therefore, we suggested that the regular Tai-Chi training could reduce the fatigue and instability of sit to stand for the elderly.Item The kinetic analysis of continuous jump with bent legs(2012-07-06) 黃長福; Su-Wei Lee; Chen-Fu Huang; Yen-Lei WuItem Kinetic differences in lower extremity between baseball pitching from pitcher's mound and flat-ground(2014-07-16) 黃長福; Po-Chieh Chen; Chen-Fu Huang; Chun-Lung Lin; Bo-Jen KoThe purpose of this study was to investigate the kinetic differences in lower extremity between pitching from a mound and flat-ground. A motion capture system and two force plates were used simultaneously to collect the dynamic data of 8 baseball male pitchers. The results revealed that pitching from the mound generated higher propulsive force at the trailing leg as well as greater braking force and vertical ground reaction force at the lead leg (p< .05). The trailing leg in the mound condition generated greater knee posterior joint force while the lead leg had greater axial joint force at ankle and knee, as well as greater extension moment at ankle, knee and hip (p< .05). It was concluded that pitching from the mound generated higher ground reaction force, which resulted in higher joint forces and moments and thus might increase stresses at lower extremity.Item Sagittal and frontal lower limbs kinetics during stepping down in Taichi elderly(2011-07-01) 黃長福; Tzu-Hsiang Yang; Chen-Fu Huang; Jung-Chun ChiThe aim was to compare the kinetic characteristics of the beginning stance phase during stepping down in Taichi and normal elderly. Nine elderly taichi subjects and eleven matched controls participated in the study. Whole body kinematics and ground reaction forces (GRF) were recorded using 10 Vicon cameras (250Hz) and two Kistler force plates (1000Hz). Sagittal and frontal kinetic parameters were calculated by using Visual3D software. Differences in variables between groups were tested using t-test. The results indicated hip extensor / knee flexor / ankle plantarflexor / support moment and peak hip/knee/ankle power were greater in Taichi group. It was concluded that Taichi group has ability to translate forward movement (hip moment / power), to control body (knee moment /power) and to absorption energy (ankle moment / power) in sagittal plane.Item Stepping characteristics before stair walking transitons in taichi elderly(2013-07-11) 黃長福; Tzu-Hsiang Yang; Chen-Fu HuangThe purpose of this study was to investigate the difference between TC exerciser and normal elderly in stepping characteristics before stair walking transition. There were 12 TC practitioner elderly and 14 matched controls participated in this stady. Ten Vicon high-speed cameras (250Hz) were utilised to collect kinematic data. Results showed that TC group presented faster CoM velocity during descending and following walk. At the moment of just before transition, TC group showed faster resultant / horizontal CoM velocity, TOE resultant / vertical velocity. TC group also demonstrated greater stride length while contacting the ground. We concluded TC group had better abilities of body control. Faster horizontal CoM velocity and vertical TOE velocity negotiated before transiton in TC group, would be order to transit the unstable situation more efficient.Item 優秀女子三級跳遠選手動作技術分析(2011) 高玉娟; Yu-Chuan Kao本研究主要目的分析女子三級跳遠選手的技術特徵進行運動學分析,探討各階段的技術特點及目標,為改善女子三級跳遠技術,提升訓練和教學效果的參考依據。以兩部每秒210、300張畫面的攝影機(CASIO),拍攝九十八年全國大專院校運動會公開女子組三級跳遠決賽八位選手為受試者,以14個肢段、21個關節點的人體模型,實施二度空間的影片分析,所獲得的結論為:一、助跑最後階段,步幅大小無明顯變化節奏平穩,助跑速度與成績有高度相關,顯示助跑速度越快,成績越好。二、八名選手中,有五名選手採用第三跳大於第一跳距離的跳躍式技術,三名選手採用第一跳與第三跳距離比例小於2%的平衡式技術。三、單足跳與跨步跳階段之水平速度與成績達高度相關(P<.01),顯示前兩跳垂直速度並不是成績出現差異的因素,而是水平速度的大小是影響成績的成功關鍵。四、三級跳遠過程中,三跳階段的支撐時間呈現持續的增加,顯示水平速度隨著各個階段下降。五、三跳階段的平均著地與起跳之身體軀幹角度偏大(>90°),造成著地之水平距離長;起跳水平距離短,煞車力的增加因而影響整體三跳成績表現。六、三跳階段的平均起跳之膝關節角度偏小(<170°),顯示選手在起跳時未充分蹬伸,顯出膝關節力量不足,容易造成水平速度的損失。Item 優秀男女網球選手正、反拍搶打截擊之運動力學分析(2009) 趙曉雯; Hsiao-Wen Chao目的:比較臺灣優秀甲組男女子網球選手在網球正反拍搶打截擊動作時之運動學參數、牽張反射對搶打截擊表現的影響。針對競技運動特殊性來探討網球選手在正反拍搶打截擊的過程中是否因為適當的啟動時機而增加搶打截擊的成功率。方法:甲組全國排名前32強之男子(平均年齡21.00 ± 2.33歲,平均身高182.06 ± 2.73公分,平均體重74.62 ± 6.23公斤)及女子(平均年齡20.90 ± 2.10歲,平均身高169.12 ± 3.52公分,平均體重60.38 ± 5.73公斤)各8名慣用手皆為右手的網球選手參與本實驗,在室內體育館內黏貼製作網球場地,利用送球員及控球員來控制實驗過程中的球速及方向,並在實驗場區外以兩台FASTEC Inline的高速攝影機同步收集控球員及受試者2D的運動學資料,九台VICON三維動作捕捉系統同步收集受試者的全身3D運動學資料以及用DASYLab收集下肢肌電訊號,並收集正反拍各三次成功的數據取其平均值來進行分析,並將所有數據以相依樣本t-test考驗來進行正反拍參數之差異。 經資料處理分析後,本研究運動學參數經討論獲得結論如下: 一、本研究男女子選手在正拍搶打截擊的成功率明顯高於反拍,但開跳步的啟動時機是沒有差異。 二、在搶打過程動量的來源以下肢為主,男子正拍在開跳步離心期的身體重心高度明顯高於反拍;女子反拍在動作腳跟著地的身體重心高度明顯高於正拍。在女子反拍在啟動腳跟著地及擊球的重心速度皆明顯快於正拍。搶打截擊必須縮短球拍與球接觸的時間,增加揮拍力量,雖然男女子在正反拍揮拍擊拍速度方面皆無顯著差異,但在反拍搶打回擊球的速度上是明顯高於正拍搶打。另外,在男子正拍搶打的動作反應時間明顯快於反拍。 經資料處理分析後,本研究肌電訊號經討論獲得結論如下: 一、在牽張反射動作上,在下蹲(離心)期時為了使肌肉能夠有較佳的儲存能量的效能,而花了比上跳(向心)期較多的時間,顯示開跳步動作可能具有利於瞬間能量轉換機制存在。 二、肌肉作用力的大小與預先準備啟動的方向有一致性的結果。Item 大專劍道選手打擊生物力學分析(2013) 高俊雄; Jyun-syong Gao研究目的:探討不同層級的大專劍道選手在打擊面部、手部、腹部動作過程的差異與打擊速度相關性生物力學分析。方法:研究對象為大專甲組劍道選手、乙組劍道選手各八名的健康男性(甲組:平均年齡21.5±1.2歲、身高171.0±4.0 cm、體重67.5±11.9 kg;乙組:平均年齡21.1±4.0歲、身高173.6±11.9 cm、體重68.5±2.1 kg),使用10台Vicon motion system MX紅外線高速攝影機擷取參數。資料處裡以Vicon Nexus軟體分析選手下蹲期、上舉期、揮擊期的運動學與動力學參數,使用無母數獨立樣本曼-惠特尼U考驗(Mann-Whitney U Test)來進行差異性統計分析及無母數斯皮爾曼等級檢定(Spearman Rank Correlation)進行相關分析,顯著水準設為α=.05。結果:甲組選手有較短的打擊時間及較快的劍尖揮擊速度,而在打擊過程中重心的上下位移甲組明顯小於乙組。上舉期上肢關節角度部分,甲組在左右手的肩關節有較大的前屈,在腕關節乙組選手有較大的屈曲。下肢關節部分,乙組在膝、踝關節的屈曲角度大於甲組。左腕尺屈角速度與打擊速度有正相關。著地的垂直地面反作用力的大小與打擊速度呈現正相關。結論:甲組選手在面部打擊竹劍上舉時能以較小的腕、肘關節變化角度且肩關節能以較大的前屈角度來做打擊,而相較於手部打擊則有較小的肩關節前屈角度;腹部打擊甲組選手有更快的關節旋轉的角速度以產生較快的揮擊速度,且揮擊的方式是以水平方式擊出。甲組的打擊方式主要可以縮短打擊的距離,也能減少整體攻擊的時間,且有較好的攻擊速度,能在正式比賽中更佔優勢。Item 女子空氣手槍選手瞄準軌跡與成績之分析(2007) 馮文瑜; Wen-Yu Feng射擊運動中,瞄準的穩定性是不可或缺的,同時也是射擊運動的基礎。空氣手槍以立姿無依托的動作對10公尺外的標靶射擊,舉槍的穩定性較差,不可能完全穩定在瞄準點上,因此保持在適當的瞄準區就顯的格外重要。研究目的:一、探討優秀選手與一般選手擊發前之瞄準軌跡參數、擊發後彈著分布、瞄準時間與得分等是否有差異。二、探討受試者擊發前之瞄準軌跡參數、擊發後之彈著分布、瞄準時間分別與得分之相關程度。研究方法:以RIKA Home trainer接收安裝於十公尺空氣手槍上的紅外線瞄準軌跡訊號,輸入電腦後以RIKA Home trainer 2.05版軟體,記錄選手的瞄準軌跡資料;再以JVC攝影機(60Hz)拍攝瞄準軌跡,最後以Kwon3D動作分析軟體將瞄準軌跡資料座標化。結果:得分與標準差方面,兩組達顯著差異;瞄準時間與標準差及彈著分布與標準差,兩組均未達顯著差異。擊發前3秒、前1秒、前0.5秒,優秀選手之在三階段瞄準軌跡參數均小於一般選手。相關分析方面,16名受試者擊發前各階段之瞄準軌跡參數均與得分呈顯著負相關。瞄準時間與得分無關;彈著分布與擊發前各階段之瞄準軌跡參數均與得分呈顯著負相關。結論:優秀選手在擊發瞬間之瞄準軌跡較一般選手靠近標靶中心,所以整體成績優於一般選手。因此保持在正確的瞄準區,尤其是接近擊發瞬間,是得高分的關鍵。Item 排球扣球攔網與空手攔網之生物力學分析(2014) 許桎銘; Chin-Ming Hsu前言:排球運動中的攔網技術,其重要性已不可同日而語,隨著規則修定,無論是技術的精進或是對比賽勝負的影響,皆扮演舉足輕重的角色。本研究的目的:藉由收集生物力學的參數,比較排球選手執行原地扣球攔網與空手攔網的動作。方法:本研究實驗參與者為8名女性排球選手,執行排球攔網動作,以8部Vicon 高速攝影機(250Hz)及兩塊測力板(1000Hz)收集扣球攔網與空手攔網兩動作的運動學及動力學資料。結果:在起跳期中,扣球攔網和空手攔網間下肢關節髖關節、膝關節及踝關節的各項參數皆無顯著差異。在落地瞬間及落地期空手攔網矢狀面下肢關節活動中,髖關節呈現較大的屈曲角度。在最大垂直地面反作用力瞬間,起跳期下肢關節角度、角速度無顯著差異;在落地期中,空手攔網下肢髖關節角度、角速度顯著大於扣球攔網。兩動作在騰空期最大重心高度上無顯著差異。在標準化最大垂直地面反作用力上,起跳期沒有差異,而在落地期則空手攔網顯著大於扣球攔網。結論:排球選手在執行扣球攔網和空手攔網落地時會有不同的落地方式,扣球攔網會以較為僵直的方式落地,空手攔網則會使用髖關節進行落地緩衝。Item 男女排球選手扣球落地之生物力學分析(2011) 謝耀毅前言:排球運動中扣球是一個重要的技術,而扣球後落地的動作往往是傷害發生的主因,因此落地動作在扣球中扮演重要的角色。本研究目的:藉由收集生物力學的參數,比較男女排球選手實際扣球落地動作的差異。方法:本研究實驗參與者是8名男性、8名女性排球選手,執行排球扣球動作,以10 部Vicon 高速攝影機(300Hz)及兩塊測力板(1500Hz)收集扣球落地運動學及動力學的資料。結果:扣球落地的動作男性會產生較大的跳躍高度,但地面反作用力沒有顯著的差異。在矢狀面下肢關節的活動中,扣球落地瞬間男性呈現較大的髖關節及膝關節屈曲角度。在落地期男性也呈現較大的最大髖關節屈曲角度及髖關節的活動範圍,女性則呈現較大的最大踝關節背曲角度及踝關節的活動範圍。而在最大垂直地面反作用力產生瞬間,男性呈現較大的髖關節屈曲角度及角速度。在額狀面下肢關節的活動中,扣球落地瞬間和最大垂直地面反作用力產生瞬間,女性呈現較大的膝關節外翻角度,而男性右腳髖關節呈現外展動作,女性則呈現內收動作。在落地期女性也產生較大的最大膝關節外翻角度。結論:男性和女性在執行扣球落地動作會選擇不同的策略,男性以膝關節和髖關節進行落地緩衝;女性以膝關節和踝關節進行落地緩衝,且會呈現較大的膝關節外翻角度。