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Item 2002知識經濟與科技創作力研討會(行政院國家科學委員會, 2001-07-31) 洪榮昭Item 2003 InnoSchool全國學校經營創新獎(行政院國家科學委員會, 2003-07-31) 李大偉; 洪榮昭Item 2007台灣參加印尼世界青少年發明展選拔與參展(行政院國家科學委員會, 2006-07-31) 洪榮昭Item 2009 Annual ASEE Global Colloquium on Engineering Education(2009-10-15) Jou, M.; Wu, Y. S.; Wu, M. J.Item 3C產業用材料應用摩擦攪拌銲接製程之技術研發(2006-01-27) 程金保Item “5 Why” 鷹架式提問提升國小學生學習成就與探究學習能力之研究(2008-10-01) 盧秀琴; 洪榮紹; 蔡春微本研究依據Kaartinen和Kumpulainen (2002)的精神,研發出適用於國小四年級學童"5 Why"鷹架式提問發展「如何做麵包?」教學模組。此模組主要是以社區的麵包工廠做為教學資源中心,提供製作麵包的理論與實務,且供應材料和器具讓學童做麵包,並負責解答相關的問題。本研究採用準實驗法進行研究,實驗組(n=105)使用"5 Why"鷹架式提問的探究教學,即教師引導思考方向,讓學童追根究底的討論,找出問題的根本原因,並提出問題解決的策略;對照組(n=105)使用直接講述教學。研究結果發現,實驗組學童的科學概念、技巧及科學探究學習能力,均顯著優於對照組學童;實驗組學童經由"5 Why"鷹架式提問之探究學習後,能擴散思考各個層面的問題,其畫出的魚骨圖能幫助聚合於核心問題並提出解決策略。Item 6061 鋁合金板材應用電阻點銲之接合性質與可靠性研究(2001-07-31) 程金保在運輸工業上,為了達到車輛輕量化的需求,同時促進燃料節約,降低能源浪費,鋁鍛造合金板材在車輛上的應用逐漸受到重視,其中 6061 鍛造鋁合金在結構件應用方面具有優勢。電阻點銲為簡便、可靠的接合方法,本研究針對 1.0、1.2、1.6mm 三種不同板厚之6061-T6 鋁合金材料,採用單相交流式電阻點銲機進行單點銲接,改變不同電流密度、通電時間及電極加壓力等條件,探討適當的接合條件。研究結果顯示,不同板厚的材料均必須有適當的電極加壓力為 100kgf;熔接電流則為 17.3kA;至於通電時間則隨板厚增加而增加,由 7cycles 至 15cycles。此外,在可靠度分析方面,點銲試片之拉剪力強度以韋伯函數統計分析的結果,顯示均為磨耗故障型破壞,可靠度之大小則受到點銲條件之影響而有差異。Item Application of the S-P chart to select judges in industrial electronics skill certification testing(1995-12-01) Dar-chin Rau; Shwu-huey Tzeng; Chien-yun Dai; Shang-jin Weng; How-gao Hsu; Yan-dan LinItem Applying the technology acceptance model in a study of the factors affecting usage of the Taiwan digital archives system(2011-01-01) Hong, J. C.; Hwang, M. Y.; Hsu, H. F.; Wong, W. T.; Chen, M. Y.The rapid development of information and communication technology and the popularization of the Internet have given a boost to digitization technologies. Since 2001, The National Science Council (NSC) of Taiwan has invested a large amount of funding in the National Digital Archives Program (NDAP) to develop digital content. Some studies have indicated that most respondents had no confidence in particular digital archive websites. Thus, with the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as a theoretical basis, the focus of the present study was to identify the factors influencing usage. Extension of the roles of perceived playfulness and interface design was also explored to identify the reasons that digital archives might not be accepted by some users. The present study used a random sampling method to distribute questionnaires to digital archive users via e-mail. The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method was used to verify the appropriateness of the study model and whether the hypotheses were confirmed. Study results indicated that the “interface design” is an important factor that influences people to use the digital archives, and that it is separate from the “human factor” and the “human–computer interface” (HCI). Moreover, the results showed that HCI had a significant impact on the “perceived ease of use” and on “usage intentions.” However, the human factor interface showed a significant impact only on “perceived ease of use.” With respect to the hypotheses regarding “usage intentions,” the “perceived usefulness,” “perceived ease of use,” “attitude,” and “perceived playfulness” were not related to “usage intentions.” Therefore, it is necessary to consider the quality of interface design in the development of digital archives in order to promote usage.Item ARCS動機設計模式在網路教學的應用:以生活科技課程為例(2006/6/2-5) 黃耀德; 蕭顯勝Item Assessing the educational values of digital games(2009-01-01) Hong, J. C.; Hwang, M.Y.; Cheng, C. L.; Lee, C. K.; Chang, S. Y.In recent years, digital games have assumed an important place in the lives of children and adolescents. Effective content design is crucial to the success of digital game-based learning. Therefore, the tool for assessing the effectiveness of game design is accordingly very important for parents and teachers, so that they may encourage or discourage students to play. The purpose of this study is to develop an assessment tool to examine the educational values of digital games. In the first phase of this research, the research team developed the indices for assessing the educational values of digital games. An expert panel consisting of game scholars and professional game designers was established to construct the indices for evaluating digital games in three focus group discussions. Seventy-four game evaluation indices were sorted into seven categories: mentality change, emotional fulfilment, knowledge enhancement, thinking skill development, interpersonal skill development, spatial ability development and bodily coordination. In the second phase of the research, the game designers were asked to assess certain games by using the 74 indices. Meanwhile, the game scholars were also asked to evaluate the same pool of games by the same indices. The assessments by both the scholars and designers were then compared and the similarities were found. This research provided a preliminary framework for future game designers, parents and teachers in assessing educational values of digital games.Item AZ31鎂合金濺鍍氮化鈦薄膜最適化參數之研究(2005-11-25) 蔡振鏞; 程金保Item Blending Inquiry-based Learning Approaches with Sensor Networks for Education of MEMS Technologies(2008-09-28) Jou, M.; Wu, M. J.; Wu, Y. S.Item Can Interactive Video Game reduce Chinese Pronunciation Problems?(2010-05-17) Hong, J.C; Hung, P. S; Liu, T. H.; Chu, K.J.With the development of the technology, learning is no longer confined in school. Everyone can surf the internet and access to every piece of information they want to obtain. Digital game-based learning laboratory is built for this matter, and it tries to offer different kinds of learning experience for every visitor. This piece of research is based on the Chinese pronunciation games we’ve designed and we want to know what this game may do to testees. We use SPSS to run the result and apply TAM to understand how users accept the learning game we create and the experiment result will be taken as reference for our future modification of the game.Item Capabilities-drivenurriculum Design for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies.(2011-04-15) Wu, M. J.; Huang, C. Y.; Hung, Y. H.Item CFCs冷媒及二氧化碳對地球溫室效應之影響( 國立臺灣師範大學, 1994-01-01) 連錦杰; 徐昊杲Item Chi and Organizational creativity: A case study of three Taiwanese computer firms(2003-11-01) Hong, J. C.; Hwang, M. Y.; Lin, C. L.The mechanisms of knowledge management include knowledge sharing, knowledge transformation and knowledge accumulation. In the corporate context, knowledge creation is of utmost importance for the promotion of competition within an organization. Knowledge creation in business corporations is most frequently done through sharing knowledge between members of a team. Therefore, how to promote the flow of ‘Chi’ in an organization to ensure the effectiveness of knowledge sharing becomes the key to successful knowledge creation. Moreover, to create and maintain ‘Chi’, a holonic working environment has to be created so that the result of knowledge sharing can be enhanced. This paper illustrates the effectiveness of the knowledge-sharing practices of three computer-manufacturing companies from the perspective of working environment design and knowledge-sharing mechanism. Through comparison, this paper will identify some good practices for the enhancement of organizational creativityItem Collaborative learning in technological project design(2010-01-01) Hong, J. C.; Yu, K.C.; Chen, M. Y.The POWERTECH contest in Taiwan was established in an attempt to promote inventiveness and technology to elementary school pupils. The POWERTECH contest is designed as a collaborative learning system for project design. Project design is comprised of technical processes, which include the construction of an artifact and improvement of its functions. Thus, pupils learn scientific and technical knowledge through a collaborative design project. The purpose of the study was to examine how collaborative learning could be facilitated in technological project design, and whether and how pupils working collaboratively were able to share their design ideas. The study was carried out by analyzing the design portfolio compiled by a team of four elementary school pupils who were engaged in a collaborative design project that focused on making a robot rat for the POWERTECH contest. A portfolio analysis was used in this study to help researchers assess the actual collaboration process among the team members. The study indicated that collaborative learning in a contest facilitated the sharing of knowledge and resources among the team members. Furthermore, reflections essential for problem-solving among the team members were often raised during the design process. These reflections were also conducive to the reduction of mistakes during the contest.Item Competency disparity between pre-service teacher education and in-service teaching requirements in Taiwan(2008-01-01) Hong, J.C.; Horng, J. S.; ChanLin, L. J.; Lin, C. L.The purpose of this study is to explore whether pre-service teacher education in Taiwan equips in-service teachers with the necessary knowledge and competency to meet the demands of the professional career. A questionnaire was developed to investigate such competency disparity. The questionnaire containing 44 items within six categories was distributed to 305 samples in Taiwan. With a return rate of 92.5%, 282 valid samples were returned and analyzed. The results of this study indicated that risk management and proactive thinking skills are the most significant factors in terms of competency disparity. Moreover, the results of this study showed that years of service, and size of school have a significant difference in the value system of competency disparity. The results of this study can be applied to change the program of prospective teacher education to enhance future teachers’ performance.Item Content design principles in educational games(2006-11-01) Hong, J. C; Lin, C. L; Chen, J. H.