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Item 1999 年台北羽球公開賽男子羽球單打發球與接發球技術運用的分析比較研究(國立僑生大學先修班, 1999-07-??) 潘光敏本研究主要的目的是在探討1999年台北羽球公開賽男子單打前八名與非前八名運動員在比賽時的發球與接發球技術之運用情況,本研究經過分析討論後,可獲得以下之結論:一、前八名與非前八名運動員在發球技術使用方面:1.前八名與非前八名運動員在發高速球與發短球技術使用上,均達顯著差異水準(p<.05)。可見前八名的運動員在發球時多採較具攻擊性的短球來爭取得分機會。而非前八名的運動員則是以較保守的方式,以發高遠球來穩定自己的球路。2. 前八名與非前八名運動員在發平快球技術使用上,未達顯著差異(p>.05)。由此可見,前八名與非前八名運動員在發平快球的技術使用上較不頻繁。二、前八名與非前八名運動員在接發球技術使用方面:1.前八名與非前八名運動員在以高遠球、放短球、推球、搓球及撲球回擊等五項技術使用上,皆未達顯著差異(p>.05)。根據結果顯示前八名運動員在使用放短球技術的頻率高於非前八名運動員,可見放短球是致勝的關鍵。另外以高遠球、推球、搓球及撲球回擊等四項技術在本研究中發現,均為不具有攻擊性的技術,且不能直接爭取得分之機會,因此較不常被使用。2. 前八名與非前八名運動員在以平高長球、網前對角線短球回擊等兩項技術使用上,均達顯著差異水準(p<.05)。根據結果顯示,前八名與非前八名運動員在整場比賽中,接發球的回擊以此兩項技術使用上的頻率偏低;但前八名在平高長球技術使用上的頻率偏高,而非前八名在網前對角線短球回擊技術使用上的頻率偏高。3. 前八名與非前八名運動員在切球、低手長球、殺球回擊等三項技術使用上,均達顯著差異水準(p< .05)。由此得知,前八名在處理接發球時以殺球及切球的使用頻率較高,證明了前八名能利用最具攻擊性球技來爭取致勝之時機;而非前八名則是以較防守性的技術一一低手長球回擊的頻率偏高。Item 3.59m*0.76m的空間 探討香港劏房的居住品質(2019-05-14) 譚晉穩; 鄺美玲; 沈照軒; 周文揚; 江碧貞老師指導透過今次僑見故鄉簡報,帶出香港劏房的問題,喚醒人們對房屋問題的關注。Item Item Item A Feminist Reading of (Oedipa Maas in) The Crying of Lot 49(國立僑生大學先修班, 1996-07-??) 李健美; Li Jian-meiIn this paper, The Crying of Lot 49, Thomas Pynchon's second novel, is being discussed through the lenses of feminism and Michel Foucault's theory of the new/general history in order to evaluate the accomplishment achieved by its heroine, Oedipa Maas: to see how successfully she has performed her job as a historian trying to piece together the history of the mysterious and subversive "Tristero." It is also hoped that this paper will help to raise the consciousness of the readers, especially the female ones, so that when (re-)reading this story, they will not only become more aware of the oppression experienced by the women living under a patriarchal society/system but try to prevail it.Item B 型肝炎學生與正常學生之體育與學業成績比較研究(國立僑生大學先修班, 1999-07-??) 李素箱政府雖已於民國七十三年全面實施B型肝炎預防注射,但根據資料顯示:台灣目前的有300萬B型肝炎帶原人口,其中有三分之二不知自己是帶原者。而B型肝炎帶原者轉變成肝硬化或肝癌的機率,的為正常人的150倍。長期以來肝病一直是國人健康的隱形殺手。本文以國立僑生大學先修班八十四、八十五、八十六等三學年度可結業學生,分別依其健康程度分為:正常學生、症狀帶原學生及健康帶原學生等三組,取其在校一學年之體育成績及學業成績等資料。經平均數、標準差及變異數F值,考驗其差異情形,所得結果如下:1.三學年度之三組學生,其體育成績並不因其健康程度不同而有所差異P>.05 。僑大先修班84 、85 、86三學年度的體育成績評量,大都著重於技能方面的表現,因此,本研究發現僑大先修班學生體育分數的高低與健康程度的好壞,並未呈現相互關係。2.三學年度之三組學生,其學業成績,因健康程度之不同,而有所差異,其中以八十四學年度之症狀帶原學生成績最差,(P<. 05)。本研究發現:距離期末考二星期之結業考試,因比率高達30% '學生反應有其難以承受的壓力,尤其肝炎症狀帶原學生更顯吃力。是否有降低其比率之必要,有賴當局的睿智。Item Battles for Identity and Dignity : Dutchmαn and Other Black Plays in the Sixties(國立僑生大學先修班, 1995-07-??) 李健美; Li Jian-meiFrom the beginning, life for the black Americans has been extremely difficult. For almost two and a half centuries before 1863,the year the Emancipation Proclamation was announced by US President Abraham Lincoln, more than ninety percent of all the blacks living in the United States were forced to live out their lives within a brutal and degrading system of slavery that openly declared that the blacks were not human beings but merely things, pieces of property. Tragically enough, no fundamental discontinuity was brought about in the black experience after Emancipation. Even today complete freedom physicallyand spiritually is not secured for all black people, and it is precisely this lack of genuine freedom then and now, consistently the essential and unique characteristic of African-Americans' life in America, that provides stuff for great literature. In this paper six plays all produced in the 1960s dealing with the theme of black identity have been chosen in order to see how the issue has been dealt with by black play-wrights of prominence.Item Cycloaddition and Related Reactions of Ruthenium Acetylide Complexes with EtO2CNCS(國立僑生大學先修班, 2002-09-??) 張昭菀; Chao-Wan ChangTreatment of ruthenium acetylide complexes Cp(L)(L')RuC=CPh (la, LL' =dppe, dppe = Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2; lb, L = PPh3, L' = P(Ome)3 with 1.1 equivalent of EtO2CN=C=S at room temperature for one hour results in the [2 + 2] cyc1oaddition to yield the four-membered-ring products Cp(L)(L')Ru-C=C(Ph)C(=NCO2Et)S (2a, LL'=dppe.dppe=Ph2PCH2CH2PPH2;2b,L=PPh3,L'=P(OMe)3).The reaction of complexes 2a and 2b react with 5 fold excess of EtO2CNCS affords the heterocyclic six-membered-ring complexes Cp(L)(L')Ru-C=C(Ph)C(=S)N(CO2Et)C(NCO2Et)S(3a, LL' = dppe, dppe = Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2; 3b, L = PPh3, L' = P(OMe)3). Complex 3a decomposes in excess EtO2CNCS in CH2Cl2 solution to yield a new six-membered-ring complex Cp(dppe)Ru-C=C(Ph)C(SCH2SH)N(=O)O (4). Two molecules of complex 4 in solutions can dimerize into a binuclear complex [Cp(dppe)Ru-C=C(Ph)C(S-)N(=O)O]2CH2 (5).Item Item Do You Know Hong Kong? 網民的識覺(2018-05-15) 邱偉良; 林嘉程; 高朗恩; 黎鑫維; 江碧貞老師指導我們想知道使用網路的人們對香港的想法,利用google問卷調查的方式,調查網民對香港的識覺,根據統計結果來報告。Item Duality For Multiobjective Fractional Programming Involving Nonsmooth (F,p)-convex Functions(國立僑生大學先修班, 1996-07-??) 劉正傳; J. C. LiuWolfe type dual for multiobjective fractional programming problem is introduced and certain duality results have been derived in the framework of (F, p)-convex functions.Item Duality For NonditTerentiable Multiobjective Programming Without A Constraint Qualification(國立僑生大學先修班, 1993-07-??) 劉正傳; J. C. LiuNecessary and sufficient conditions without constraint qualification for pareto optimality of multiobjective programming are derived. This article suggests the establishment of a Wolfe-type duality theorem for nondifferentiable, convex, multiobjective minimization problems. The vector Lagrangian and the generalized saddle point for pareto optimality are studied. Key works. Multiobjective programming, pareto optimality, cone of directions, vector Lagrangian, Pareto saddle point.Item Duality of Fractional Minimax Programming with Generalized Convex Functions(國立僑生大學先修班, 1997-07-??) 吳春盛; C.S. WuSufficient Kuhn-Tucker conditions for a class of generalized minimax fractional programming and three duility theorems are established under a general type of n-invexity assumption on the objective functions and constraint functions.Item Either/Or: A Study of Milan Kundera's The Unbearable Lightness of Being(國立僑生大學先修班, 1997-07-??) 李健美; Li Jian-mei"I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail. / Yes I would. / If I only could, / I surely would. / Away, I'd rather sail away / Like a swan that's here and gone. / A man gets tied-down to the ground. / He gives the world his saddest cry / His saddest cry ..."--a popular song runs something like this, singing of man's deepest desire to flyaway from the ground to which he is tied down. Indeed, it seems to be human beings' fate that the "heaviest of burdens crushes us, we sink beneath it, it pins us to the ground.,,1 If one could choose a life of lightness abundant with aesthetic beauty and physical enjoyment, who would want to live a life of weight full of ethical burden, duty, and responsibility? However, in the love poetry of every age, the woman longs to be weighed down by the man's body. The heaviest of burdens is therefore simultaneously an image of life's most intense fulfillment. The heavier the burden, the closer our lives come to the earth, the more real and truthful they become. Conversely, the absolute absence of a burden causes man to be lighter than air, to soar into the heights, take leave of the earth and his earthly being, and become only half real, his movements as free as they are insignificant. What then shall we choose? Weight or lightness? (Kundera 5) Milan Kundera's The Unbearable Lightness of Being deals with this question by introducing, at the very beginning, two philosophers' perspcetives on this issue: Nietzche's mysterious eternal return of weight; Parmenides' freedom of positive lightness. One basic element of a burden is its repetition, or eternal return, for if an event only happens once, its effect, whatever it is, will gradually recede fromman's memory and eventually become ineffectual. Nietzsche's idea of eternal return--that everything recurs as we once experienced it, and that the recurrence itself recurs ad infinitum--implies that "a life which disappears once and for all, which does not return, is like a shadow, without weight, dead inItem Electrophilic Reaction of Ruthenium Heterocyclic Six-membered-ring Complexes(國立僑生大學先修班, 2001-07-??) 張昭菀; Chao-Wan ChangTreatment of a ruthenium complex with a heterocyclic six-membered-ring ligand Cp(dppe)Ru-C=C(Ph)C(=S)N(Ph)C(=NPh)S (3)with organic halides at room temperature results in the alkylation at the sulfur terminus of the six-membered-ring to yield [Cp(dppe)Ru-C=C(Ph)C(SCH2R)N(Ph)C(=NPh)S][X] (4a, R = CN, X = I; 4b, R = Ph, X = Br; 4c, R=CH=CH2, X=I; 4d, R= p-C6H4CF3, X = Br). The reaction of 3 with HgCl2 affords [Cp(dppe)Ru-C=C(Ph)C(SHgCl)N(Ph)C(=NPh)S][Cl] (5). Further decomposition of 5 in the air gives a cationic vinylidene complex [Cp(dppe)Ru=C=C(Ph)C(O)NHPh]2[Hg2Cl6] (6).Item Formation of Organometallic Heterocycles by S-alkylated and N-alkylated Ruthenium Vinylidene Complexes(國立僑生大學先修班, 2000-07-??) 張昭苑; Chao-Wan ChangTreatment of [Ru]C≡CPh (1 , [Ru] = (η5-C5H5)(dppe)Ru , dppe =Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2 ) with PhN=C=S at room temperature affords the [2 + 2] cycloaddition product [Ru]-C=C(Ph)C(=NPh)S (2) which contains a four-membered heterocycle. A series of cationic S-alkylated ruthenium vinylidene complexes [Ru]=C=C(Ph)C(=NPh)SCH2R+ (3a, R = CONH2 ; 3b, R = CH=CH2 ; 3c, R = p-C 6 H 4 CF 3 ) and N-alkylated ruthenium vinylidene complexes[Ru]=C=C(Ph)C(=S)N(Ph)CH2R+ (4b, R = CH=CH2 ; 4c, R = p-C6H4CF) are prepared from 2 with organic halides at room temperature with high yields.Deprotonation of 3a and 3c by n-Bu4NOH in acetone induces novel cyclization reactions via C-C bond formation and yields neutral five-membered heterocyclic complexes [Ru]-C=C(Ph)C(=NPh)SCHR (5a, R = CONH2; 5c, R = p-C6H4CF3). In a similar manner, deprotonation of 4b and 4c by NaOMe in CH2Cl2 also induces another cyclization to yield the pyrrole-2-thione complexes [Ru]C=C(Ph)C(=S)N(Ph)CHR (6b, R = CH=CH2 ; 6c, R = p-C6H4CF3 ). At room temperature , 5c isomerizes to the 2-aminothiophene complex [Ru]-C=C(P-C6H4CF3)SC(NHPh)=C(Ph) (7c) in solution.Item Item MINIMAX FRACTIONAL VARIATIONAL PROBLEMS WITH GENERALIZED (F, ρ、θ )-CONVEXITY(國立僑生大學先修班, 2000-07-??) J. C. LIUWe restate the necessary optimality conditions of Bector et al. [1] and prove nonparametric sufficient optimality conditions for a minimax fractional variational problem involving generalized (F,ρ,θ)-convex functions. Subsequently,we use these optimality conditions to consider three Zalmai-type duality models [34] and establish weak , strong , and strict converse duality theorems using generalized ( F,ρ,θ)-convex functions.Item Mixed Type Duality For Multiobjective Fractional Programming Involving Nonsmooth (F, p)-convex Functions(國立僑生大學先修班, 2003-12-??) J. C. LiuWe restate the necessary optimality conditions of Rcf. 1 to formulate one mixed type dual model for multiobjective fractional programming problems with nonsmooth (F, p)-convex functions. This mixed type dual model unifies Wolfe type dual model and Mond-Weir type dual model. We also establish weak, strong and converse duality theorems.Item MOST VISITED PLACE IN 國立師範大學 (NTNU NUPS)(2022-12-16) 汪華黎; 張微微; 葉慧美; 鄧麗達; 江碧貞老師指導學生經常訪問的地方在國立師範大學先修部。我們作了一張海報以更簡單的學校地圖的形式制。題注用英文書寫,幫助來自各國但仍然不會說中文的學生。我們在纸上畫畫,使用彩色鉛筆。